The Supreme One

A group of people were rapidly making their way up the Great Snow Mountain.

Right at the front of this party was Lu Qubing, and following closely behind him were the highest-level big shots of the entire Da Alliance.

Just the appearance of one of these people was enough to shock many regions.

However, all of them were silent right now. Even the way they moved showed their effort to create as little disturbance as possible.

After a short while, a figure appeared at the top of the mountain and walked towards them. It was Master Xin Yuan, who had already returned to the Great Snow Mountain to take charge of matters there. He bowed respectfully in Lu Qubing's way before he said, "Greetings, Chairman."

"There is no need for formalities, Master Xin Yuan." Lu Qubing waved his hands dismissively. "You've been an old friend for many years, so you can just call me Qubing or Old Lu. It's more pleasant to hear."