The Beginning Of The Sky Revoking Battle

Yunsen sat in his own small room, leisurely admiring a picture with a smug look on his face.

He reckoned that that swindler's face would have turned green by now. If he'd thought that the Yun Family was dying, then he had severely underestimated them! Hadn't he heard that a starving camel was still bigger than a horse? This time, he'd be the one who would lose!

Even though the Yun Family was deteriorating every day, a country bumpkin like him still couldn't afford to offend them.

"What are you doing, Little Bro?" the Yun Family's Third Prince chided in a stern voice as he walked in.

Yunsen, who didn't fear his own brother, giggled. "I am just settling the score, Third Brother! If that swindler wants to come over here and con our money, then I will show him that daddy is not cheated that easily."