Talent Stepping Forward In Big Numbers

"The first event of the Sky Revoking Battle will begin in five minutes. All participants please proceed to your location according to your number plates. Latecomers will be disqualified!" The broadcast message reverberated throughout the large platforms.

Latecomers would be disqualified! These four words were not a threat, but an actual non-negotiable fact.

Therefore, even the direct descendants of the four kings and 12 dukes didn't dare be lackluster. They knew very well that if they lost their place at such an important event, they would not be forgiven easily.

"Your number plate is 1036. Don't let me down!" Yunsen looked at Luo Yunyang confidently.

Although this was what he said, deep down in his heart, apart from wanting to torment Luo Yunyang, he was also feeling some grief. Reality was too cruel for anyone to bear, so Yunsen felt completely helpless.

He knew clearly that the downfall of the Yun Family would begin that day.