The Bloody Massacre Cultivation Technique

The 3,000 elites of the Bloody Massacre Path landed on the Chongyuan Star. The distance between each of them was 500 kilometers.

This was a battle of life and death for every single Bloody Massacre Path elite. If they survived this bloodbath, they would become true powerhouses of the Bloody Massacre Path and bask in the glory of the Path.

Bing Yizhen had been in the Bloody Massacre Path for 60 years, so he had experienced a lot ever since he had been an ordinary barbaric teenager.

At the age of 11, he had killed his best friend!

At the age of 15, he had been the only person to walk out of a deadly match…

From then on, he had firmly believed that an elite martialist would have to endure eternal loneliness, without any companionship, company or expectations.

Now, he had finally reached the last stage. As long as he passed this stage, he would be at ease.