A Blood Light 10,000 Miles Away

Everyone on the Chongyuan Star was an enemy!

Although there wasn't anything wrong with this saying, there were still people who gathered together because they felt solidarity in numbers. These people weren't just limited to the martialists delivered over to be treated as prey. The 3,000 Bloody Massacre Path elite disciples were also included.

Among the elite disciples, only 100 would be able to leave. This gave many elite disciples some room for imagination.

Therefore, many Bloody Massacre Path disciples who considered themselves middle-grade gathered together primarily to protect themselves, but also to slaughter others.

On the Chongyuan Star, there was no room for pity or mercy.

When Luo Yunyang shouted loudly, five elite members of the Bloody Massacre Path were resting not too far away. When they heard his shout and noticed that Luo Yunyang wasn't a disciple of the Bloody Massacre Path, they all launched attacks promptly.