Going Through The Motions

"Bloody Massacre Path Master, although our Sacred Eagle Tribe has suffered a crushing defeat, your Human Tribe isn't any better. You might be able to beat our Sacred Eagle Tribe, but you cannot triumph over the Thunder Ray Tribe or the Demigod Tribe!"

The leader of the Blood Eagle division bellowed furiously. His body had already been cut in two by the Bloody Massacre Path Master, yet his will was still loud as ever.

As the Path Master of the Bloody Massacre Path, the Bloody Massacre Path Master rarely acted personally. Of course, he also wasn't a soft-hearted person who would hesitate against the leader of the Blood Eagle division, who had a similar cultivation to his own.

Sword-lights like starry rivers slew the Blood Eagle division leader's soul.

The battle in the void had already reached its end. Under the Military Master's commands, the Nine Milky Way armies swept everything before them.

The Human Tribe was in absolute control.