The Eagle Soars In The Sky

On the Sacred Eagle Tribe's Sacred Mountain, over 100 Sacred Eagle experts were gathered. Every one of their golden eyes had a maniacal glow.

"We have already taken over 13 Star Systems belonging to the Human Tribe. Ha ha ha! They crumble the moment we start fighting. Without any sort of fighting strength, this kind of tribe can only serve as food for the Sacred Eagle Tribe!"

The person speaking was a peak Galaxy-Grade Sacred Eagle powerhouse. He waved his arms as he said with vigor, "I suggest that we stop nibbling away at them, move out right away and exterminate the Human Tribe. Perhaps we would have the capability to ascend to a grade-one tribe then."

"You're right, Golden Eagle Tribe Leader. I agree!" a middle-aged man with a pair of silver wings echoed.

His cultivation base was also peak Galaxy-Grade. Then, he added, "Isn't the current status of the Human Tribe solely based on the Supremacy's seal?"