Among The Vast Stars, Who Will Reign Supreme

Within two tall mountain peaks that reached through the skies, a massive black-and-white vortex revolved wildly. In the middle of this vortex, two nine-colored lights resembling little fish swam around continuously.

When gathered together, these two little fish were the Ultimate Samsara Seal. The black-and-white vortex seemed to contain a vast power, so anything that tried to forcefully charge through the vortex would disintegrate.

Beneath these two mountain peaks were four palaces floating in the void in four different directions. Demigod Tribe warriors clad in armor were standing tall while hellish demons shrouded in infernal flames moved mechanically…

Like earlier, a large-scale fantasy war was displayed on the top page of the virtual realm's Sky Vision. This image was accompanied by just eight words.

Among The Vast Stars, Who Will Reign Supreme!