A Rod Sweeping All The Heavens

Little fiend Badebu, who was the controller of the entire spaceship, was rather excited about being given control of the Dragon Eagle Spaceship by Luo Yunyang.

In Badebu's eyes, Luo Yunyang was like a godly figure. Now, this godly figure was actually being mocked by a few insignificant individuals before his eyes.

Damn it, you guys are already lucky that you were able to ride on this ship. Instead of being grateful, you people are actually being rude. I wonder if you have mush for brains.

When Luo Yunyang had asked these people to leave through the ship's comms, the little fiend hadn't spoken.

However, these b*stards were really asking for it now!

The word 'scram' might have been a little blunt, but it had stirred up the little fiend.

The face of that man twitched because of the humiliation they had suffered in front of the third-in-rank beauty on the Cosmo Chart.