Sky Moon Peak; Battle At The Top

All sorts of information rapidly gathered in the Endless Underworld.

News of Nalanye challenging the Sixth Mysterious Demon and the Sixth Mysterious Demon's reply had cooled off. In the eyes of many Mysterious Underworld martialists, there was simply no need to propagate this type of news, as this fellow was clearly overestimating himself and was just using little tricks to make a name for himself.

The best way to deal with these methods was to simply ignore it!

However, while many people treated Nalanye as a joke, a recording appeared on the forums of the Endless Underworld.

In this short recording, a god-like powerhouse unleashed an attack. It seemed as if everything was under his control and within his grasp.

Vast power gathered in this palm. As it was released, even the colors of the sky and earth changed.