Underworld Ancestor True Body

The moons of the Mysterious Underworld Race's Great Cosmos were both cold and penetrating. Even if there was faint moonlight, those without at least a Planet-Grade cultivation would feel as if this moonlight was sharp blades.

On the Sky Moon Peak, which was many miles high, the moonlight was like incisive swords raining down.

For Galaxy-Grade and weaker Mysterious Underworld martialists, the Sky Moon Peak was forbidden ground. Without a compatible ability, going up was akin to throwing one's life away.

The 1st Mysterious Demon was strolling leisurely under the sword-like moonlight. His body bathed in the glow of the moon, creating huge shadows.

"The 1st Mysterious Demon has already arrived, but that vile Nalaye is nowhere to be seen! Who does he think he is to be this pretentious and make the 1st Mysterious Demon wait!" a middle-aged Mysterious Underworld being said with a cold gaze in his eyes.