Four-Season Pyramid

In a huge palace hall, the Left Hall Master was seated as he watched the scene projected in front of him.

A huge treasured cauldron was expelling boundless Purple Qi. Even though the Purple Qi looked really frail, when all of it was gathered, it seemed as if it was omnipresent.

A boundless purple mist!

As the large hand came down, the purple mist rose. Just as it was about to be shattered, the green light and purple mist gathered and gently blocked the large hand that was pressing down.

While the green light rushed over, the black-and-white treasured map opened and formed a realm. Black-and-yellow mist surged and formed a pagoda that stood tall…

The Left Hall Master had a grave look on his face. There was even a hint of heartfelt envy in his voice. "Seizing the essence of the world around indeed!"

These words seemed to be said without any context, but a man in red robes at his side understood what he meant.