The Middle Hall Master’s Struggle

The Si Family Patriarch overlooked everything below him with cold intent. His original intent had been to squash Luo Yunyang, but this recent display had threatened him.

This sort of person had to die!

As the number one person of the Si Family, the Si Family Patriarch knew what needed to be done in order to gain more.

It was because of this reason that the Si Family couldn't allow anyone that threatened them to exist.

The Four-Season Pyramid came crashing down. This pyramid had the nomological power of a Taichu Yuan Venerate.

Such laws had been termed Great Dao Laws during ancient eras and were much stronger than the ordinary laws that the average Yuan Venerates could control.

The Si Family Patriarch's smile deepened when he thought about the classification of laws. However, his mocking smile wasn't meant for Luo Yunyang, but rather for the five great halls of the Human Race.