The Sky-Splitting Stone

The shrill ring of the sword resounded across the nine skies!

Amidst this overwhelming sword intent, Luo Jiutian and everything around transformed into part of the sword.

This sword completely dominated the sky and land!

Luo Yunyang kept his eyes firmly fixed on his father. As much as he wanted to train to break through to the Taiyi Yuan Venerate, he knew that he lacked concrete, detailed information on how to truly become one.

Right now, watching Luo Jiutian's breakthrough was an extremely good opportunity for him to see how it was done.

Endless Sky Laws! That was exactly what Luo Jiutian was doing. He was fusing endless Sky Laws into his long sword.

Right now, Luo Jiutian seemed as if he had created a great sword that could slice through the sky!

Yuan Venerate Jinta's face fell!