Cowering From Deterrence

The five-colored war halberd pierced the void as if it was going to pulverize the entire sky.

The moment this attack was launched, a giant ax and a chain glittering with golden radiance also appeared in the void.

In a matter of seconds, seven or eight treasures were sent hurtling toward Luo Jiutian.

Luo Jiutian wasn't unprepared. It seemed like he had been ready for these attacks beforehand.

He waved the sword he had condensed in his hand, sending forth a wave of sword-light that transformed into many flows of thousands of stars that met the attacks head-on.

In an instant, those sword-lights collided with the supreme treasures, including the war halberd.

The giant ax was enveloped by a flow of stars, while the chain was impacted by the giant ax and almost all the other supreme treasures were enveloped by the many flowing sword-lights, no longer posing any threat to Luo Jiutian for a moment.