I Have No Time For This

Luo Yunyang's arrival ignited a light of hope in the jaded hearts of the Human Race's Divine Ancestor's disciples. They sincerely hoped that their opportunity had come once again!

At the same time, they also made up their minds. No matter how tough or humiliating Luo Yunyang's request was, they would endure the humiliation and plead Luo Yunyang to share his insight again.

After all, this would determine whether they could become Taiyi Yuan Venerates.

Unfortunately, Luo Yunyang's words were like a smashing blow to their heads. Luo Yunyang hadn't come here because of them.

They had not regarded Luo Yunyang as someone important when the Tianding Realm had surfaced. However, Luo Yunyang had now become an existence they could only look up to.

It could even be said that the gulf between them and Luo Yunyang now was greater than ever. They actually had no bargaining power when dealing with Luo Yunyang.