Returning To Tianding

Tianding Realm, Nine-Cauldron Training Ground!

The Human Race's Divine Ancestor was giving a lecture in the extravagant establishment littered with golden lotuses. Many martialists listening to his lecture felt as if they had attained rare enlightenment.

However, just as the Human Race's Divine Ancestor began to talk about the essence of his lecture, someone suddenly exclaimed, "It doesn't work! Why is it not working?"

The voice was loud, and it even sounded like the person was snarling.

The sudden rude interruption drew glares among those listening to the lecture of the Human Race's Divine Ancestor in an instant. However, as those people realized who was exasperated, they all started to feel awkward.

That was someone they couldn't afford to offend!

The Mysterious Water Heavenly Ruler was seething in anger, and his eyes were burning as he glared at the Human Race's Divine Ancestor doubtfully.