
Reasons (4)

Getting out of the water he dried her skin with a soft towel helping her up as her sore legs seemed to be as weak as the leg of a newborn fawn. Once she was properly dried he lowered his head to give a kiss to her forehead as he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

Placing her down on the mattress he placed the cover so she would be wrapped up tightly and warmly she turned to face him snuggling into his arms as he laid on his back with one arm wrapped around her and the other under his head lost into his own thoughts.

Now thinking about the complication of the situation with the two countries that neared the hell's gate region, in turn, those movements could make his mission so much more perilous as it could make it easier to conquer those lands if one played the right cards at the time it could also make it an easy win.

The problem, however, was that it seemed to be without cause or head they started the movement of arming the troupes. It obviously could not be without cause this kind of massive armaments only could be signs of war but if it was not with their neighbours then with who?

For everyone, the Abyssal kingdom and his key people had not stepped out for more than a century. His mission and him leaving were known only to the king and now the king's brother so the chance of it leaking where slim.

But better safe than sorry an extra cover was now needed he looked down at the half sleeping girl that cuddled close to him.

What he would be doing for cover might shock and anger her but he had not much of a chose in the matters after all even if he was an unruly character on most days but when it came to his work he had to be ruthless!

If could not be, he would fail and disappoint his people and his brother in arms the king.

He could only hope he would not scare his wife too badly, after all, she is quite pure-hearted and the cover would be a group of slaves travelling to sell the cargo in other towns and capitals allowing him to get to places that would be hard to approach otherwise.

Also even if the humans were a bit more lenient in there treatment of the slaves most of the countries nearing the hell's gate were quite ruthless and humans slaves, as well as any humanoid captured into slavery, would hold no rights and treated as cattle.

The markets were filled with a different value of slaves.

The quality they aimed at was the one that would get them in touch with key people of those kingdoms. So they would not only observe them but to a point integrate those kingdoms and get some inside spies and informers.

He rubbed her back gently and distractedly as he continued to be lost in his own thoughts.

He would rather keep her from the nastiness of the business that will be going down. Getting up from bed once she had finally fallen back into a deep sleep he gently kissed her perkily on the cheek as she incoherent muttering in her sleep and turned over snuggling into the soft pillows a small smile hung upon her lips as she made a sweet dream.

Leaving he looked at the girl that kneeled down inside the room at the screen that split the room from the entrance his tone firm devoid of any tenderness.

"Watch over her well. If anything happens to her your head will roll." saying his piece he left without looking back.

Walking out he headed toward the docks where he went to the dock master to order a cargo ship that could be tied to the longboat.

It would need to be able to contain food and merchandises as well as "live stocks".

The Dockmaster showed him a few boats before he settled on one that would then be renovated to accommodate their needs for it.

With that out of the way, he then moved to the slave's merchants areas.

Passing cages and enclosure of packed slaves he moved toward the inside where the better quality would be kept.

Passing the mid-good stocks he looked to the packed cages women and men were separated as well a child above the age of nine were also placed into another enclosure those under were generally left with the women's as they would be the one to tend to them.

He looked at the general features of the women's and men's that were placed where they needed quite the variety to look more genuine in the trade, therefore, he brought from this batch ten men twenty women as well as twenty-five young children's ageing from five to their teens.

They would make the bulk of the merchandise as they would be easily sellable for higher goods, in turn, making there cover more profiled. He also brought some chickens, goats, pigs and some other animals that could be packed into the cargo hull and easily be kept as they boat travelled from towns to towns by the sea.

He also brought slave that he would transform into soldiers and keepers those slaves would go into training under his drills to act as defenders of the cargo hull and peacekeepers between the merchandise.

He also brought a blond hair blue eyed girl about the age of his wife. She looked clean and lovely on top of that she seemed to have a good temperament. He figured he could not thrust anyone but his own people to take care of her need and safety.

The prince's people would always prioritize the missions over his wife safety as well as possibility of them trying to kill her would she become a japerdaresing element to the missions. Therefore he needed someone to be kept at her side that would protect her with their own life. He would not leave any loose end with her safety at play.

Thinking such he brought four more men but this time he brought them in a fight arena made for gladiators those ones would be able to be used as escorts if she wanted to go out. This place was just too dangerous for her to leave her to walk around alone…

The four gladiators were neither bulky or rough looking but all of them fought well enough to spar ten hits with him which would be enough on a regular day to defeat most common thugs.

Going back to his wife, this time he had tied the loose endings leaving none as well as speeding up the process for the large main boat to be done by buying more crew members rather than hiring them up.

Now the crew was made up of eighty percent slaves that had been sea trained and sea craftsmen's all of which was now owned by him.

Of course, he told them that his lady was not allowed to know that the hull was filled with slaves to be sold and that the boat following was filled with live cargo.

She could only be told that it contained the food reserve for the crew and some live to slaughter animals and as a guest on the boat, she could not go to the second one as it was the captain's order. She could go on the bridge for fresh air and when she did they needed to treat her as a respected guest.

The smarter one quickly understood that the lady was kept clean of dirty dealings and was likely naive about the world being overly protected by that man.

They were now all a bit curious about that mistress of theirs. To have a dark breed to focus on her how amazing was she?