
New business

Waking up once the sun was already high in the sky Speranza felt like if she had been tossed and turned all over. Her body felt ever so sore as it did not even recover fully from their first exchange. She cursed that evildoer could he not be more gentle with her?

She is delicate alright!

Images of the prior night flashed to her mind making her face go scarlet red. Soon, however, she was greeted by the soft voice of her new maids.

"This servant greets the milady."

She recognized the girl that had been prior to that other evil man Dravick.

Why was she kneeling at her bed greeting her like a mistress what was going on?

"This slave greets the mistress." A blond blue-eyed girl said.

She looked at them a blinked a few times. Come again why are they here so early in the morning!?

Seeing her confusion the servant girl spoke in a gentle light voice." Mistress, the master has tasked us with your well being. Please, mistress, do not worry and let us see to your needs.

Speranza looked at them incredulously. What did that evil man have in his head did she look so frail that she needed servants to wash, dress and cook for her?

"Mistress let us help you get dressed and ready the master should return soon." She smiled at her a light of greed flashed in her eyes but the naive redhead would never think that the girl had ulterior motives.

She was not handicapped… Timara spoke again breaking the thought trail of Speranza that felt a bit at lost.

Seeing her cloth Speranza grasped her mouth could neither be closed or open she was speechless. What was this?

Did those girls want her death? If she wore this she knew that Arkalat would tumble her there and then never mind getting in the sheets he likely would not let her get near the bed before she gets pounced on…

Filaments more than clothes that what it was!

The front and back barely covered by a white cloth of silk hanged by a small finger sized belt that clipped on her left side and was made of silver three small chains linked the front and back at the hips with two inches in between them.

A pendant hangs at her front just above her garden drawing the attention to her full hips and soft legs. For the bustier, a white cloth made of the same material embedded of pearls making sparkle like the night sky.

The jewelry and accessories were again looking as if they were priceless. Pearl bracelet placed on her left wrist and silver necklace choker tightly placed on her neck with a small heart ruby pendant hanging from it.

At her right ankle, a small silver chain and ankle bracelet linked together at four intervals with little rubies made in the shapes of hearts completed the looks her feet were left bare.

As for what decorated her hair they had been tied into a high ponytail a silver tiara circled the ponytail holding it up overall she had the looks of an oriental belly dancer.

Looking at herself in the mirror she at least thought this time she was a bit more covered up there right?

But again her thought was cut short as an impish man came behind her speaking to her ear before wrapping his arm dotingly around her kissing her neck until a kiss mark was left...