

As they carried her to the slave cage carriage as iron chains were placed to her neck, hands and feets all linked by a heavy chain.

She could not help but sob pitifully but they stayed like iron bars toward her tears.

They all knew by now the master did not hand out punishment harshly if not deserved. For such a heavy punishment she must have committed a great crime!

They carried her through the town where people did not even gaze at her, some seemed to even scorn her. Likely another girl from a fallen family they though, Or some wife that had cheated on her husband some pitied her while some downright condemned her.

They cared not on how she had ended up as a slave but she was clearly heading for the slaves market maybe she would be in the market in the morning…

The hellish smell of the heated swap water assaulted her sense of smell so much she could taste iron in her mouth.

Arriving at the destination she was ordered to walk out as she was led through the docking area, If she tried to flee she could only try to jump in the water! But it is filled with man-eating fish, sharks and that's without counting monsters that could lurk under.

She could only walk toward her executioners, being afraid was normal after all.

They looked at her as if she committed the greatest crime!

Walking too slowly for there liking they hit her with a whip slash along her back while barking to walk faster.

She wanted to cry and collapse but it would only serve to get her ruthlessly beaten before she would need to walk still.

Gnashing her teeth she walked until they reached the room that had been designed for the punishments of slaves after all.

If Arkalat wanted to make their cover believable he needed all the "tools" of the said trade.

What laid in front of her made her shiver and try to run away a full rack of various torture tools cross and prisoners stocks some even had people in them already.

They had been beaten with whip lashes and had been left there to carry out the rest of the penance.

Thinking of the one-hundred whiplash she had to go through she sobbed.

The executioner grabbed her and dragged her to a standing stock, where her wrist was locked up above her head and lifted it up using a pulley so only the tip of her toes remained.

The guards left to stand at the door as she had now been secured into the prison stocks.

They gave the executioner the sentence that needed to be carried out as well as the "marking" of a slave that needed to be imprinted on her skin.

As the guard leader talked with him the executioner told him how he would proceed.

"Since she is a female the marking would be placed on her lower back on the left side just above the perky little behind." He sneered at the thought and licked his lips.

Taking out the whip he walked behind her and ripped her clothes back.

The first lash viciously slammed against her soft skin.

The first lash did not tear the skin only leaving a red mark. He had restrained the strength of the lashing he would enjoy torturing her slowly.

He strikes again this time he aimed at her perk little rump this time he had let all his strength into it and her skin tore revealed a blood trail at the wound.

She cried out in a long howl of pain as she tried to run and buck but the restraint held her firmly in place.

Strikes after strikes he alternated between lighter and heavy sometimes, he aimed those strikes toward the same place a few times in a row.

This resulting in making her back a very bloody mess around the time he reached fifty strikes Arkalat entered the room.

The executioner paused and handed him the Whip as he was beckoned to do so.

Arkalat walked to her front and sneered.

"You wanted my attention you have it now."

He said evilly. His voice made her shiver but she already was fighting to stay conscious.

If she fainted the whipping would stop but it would start again as soon as she would wake…

Arkalat moved to the torture rack and looked at the various tool grabbing a long stick thick as like a strongman arm made of wood with a flat end, he smiled at her.

"Oh, this looks interesting do you want to try it?"

While it was formulated like a question it obviously wasn't.

He was basically telling her here the whipping is boring for me we will do something new…

He rammed the flat part over her bottom with deadly precision in his exercised strength. He also aimed at an already open wound making her buck and cry in pain with wretched cries, tears had long covered her face. If she could turn time she would never touch that woman!

She was no match for this devil!

Aiming again he then strikes at the ribs, intending the strength to break one of the lower ones.

He stared at her again and asked the same question he had asked her.

"Do you now know what you did wrong." He stated coldly and ruthlessly.

She howled and gasped for breath her body felt like it was a messy wreck.

Struggling to voice while sobbing she begged for mercy saying she now knew…

She would now prefer to admit then to continue this painful torture, but little did she know that this was only a prelude...

Hearing this he gently patted her head with a devil incarnate smile.

"Good, Now that you know you can truly receive your punishment and it won't be wasted effort."

Painfully pinching her skin.

Desperately she tried to move to a position where it would hurt less but it was useless. Unable to make any move with her body. The only remaining ability she had was her now dried broken parched voice that no longer sounded human from all the pain inflicted upon her body.

He felt like tearing her to thousand pieces was to gentle for what she had tried to do.

She had aimed to remove his child from his life by having his wife meet with misfortune and cause her to miscarry. If that was not enough she had tried to get his wife rapped and claim it was an adultering meeting behind his back!

Lucky, he had picked loyal people that valued principles as guards.

The training and expertise in leading armies had helped him see them by allowing him to find likely people to fit his needs.

If not his wife likely would have been rapped while he was away.

While he would have killed the bastard it would never make his wife heal from the possible emotional scars.

Since she was so vicious toward his wife he would not spare her. Desiring to destroy all her desire to live but he would not let her die!