

He walked back to the rack and he moved toward a commodity placed to hold miscellaneous flagon of potions— dragging his fingers along them until he singled out one, then merrily grabbed it.

Sneering at her with eyes of wolf meeting prey, he spoke.

"Guess what that is", he said eerily.

Hearing that, she trembled, she had no voice to answer him anymore. With difficulty, she tried to speak but now no voice was coming out.

But in her heart, she knew it was nothing but bad news for her no matter what it was.

Seeing her struggle without success, he walked in front of her where she hangs by the wrist, weak and limp from all the abuse.

Looking at her neither dead or alive appearance, he made an evil sneer.

"Open wide.", he said as if he was coaxing a child but the iciness of the voice could freeze the sun over.

Pressing on each side of her mouth, prying it open; He dumped all the contents inside her mouth.

She tried to spit it out, but he forced her to swallow mostly all of it.

Coughing, she struggled but without any success; her face went deathly pale as she felt the effects.