
Watch and learn part 1

Her wounds started to close and heal at visible speed, however, she could still feel all the pain as if something touched the parts that had been wounded.

She was having cold feet, the thought ran on her mind as to how he was healing her to place more torture on her body.

Viewing her distressed expression drew an evil smile on his perfectly drawn lips.

"Scared?", he said it like it was the most casual question ever.

She looked at him with terror! He was the cruellest general in the abyssal realm for a reason.

Whether it was a man, a woman or a child, he gave all offenders no mercy. No one entered his eyes as living beings.

But she had never heard that he healed his victims just to continue to "play" with them.

And she was right, normally he would hand out the punishment based on the nature of the offence.

While he would not go overboard with his punishments, he would act to the rule, never bending in leniency toward anyone.

It was cruel, but it was the person that had wronged first and broke rules, while part of the army he considered it as such.

As for enemies, he never showed them mercy! While he did not decimate entire villages. He would make a grand enough impression that they would not dare rebel a second time…

Shivering and desperately struggling to break free from the binds, while crying in terror— His smile grew bigger the more desperate she struggled to break free from her binds.

He headed for the commodity that held the flask of potions again.

Picking up a reddish pink flask, swirling it in front of her to make sure everything was properly mixed inside.

A cruel smile that had been drawn on his lips never left.

He then spoke in that same eerie tone. "Guess what is inside this time?"

But how could she not know? It was the potion she had given to that man!

At this time, he also ordered the guards. "Bring me the newly selected female slaves."

The guards entering with four new young girls that aged between the gap of fourteen to eighteen were placed in a separate room.

A mirror wall stood between the room so they could witness what was being done to the woman on the other side.

All their eyes grew wide with fear once they saw what that woman was about to suffer!