
Departure from the village.

Speranza POV.

Bast and the others had joined back with us yesterday night. We were all relieved to see them we didn't know how far the others were. The alarming thing was they had encountered ogres. Which meant there likely was an ogre village nearby. Well not truly near but close enough as they only had walked for half a day to find this place.

Looking down at my son I couldn't help but feel my heart clench hurtfully. I did not know if Arkalat was alive or dead, but deep inside. I refused to believe he had pass away.

After all, the others were right. He would never do anything rushedly. I could only wait for him to return to us.

In the meantime, I needed to find a place to safely raise our son.

With this train of thoughts, it was time we get supplies so we could leave this god forgotten place. I had heard from Saya that there was talk of some raising undeads. Clearly this village was in bad situation.

We had fought a war with the aquarians we were not in shape to face off with some undead army.

If we moved a few miles south we would be better. Yuya said where they had first landed was quite pretty, might as well go there.

We could build each others a small home their was still time before the first snow.

"Yuya, tell the others we will get ready to leave. This undead threat is to much for us at this time better leave while we can."

Yuya seemed to want to argue back but at this moment another voice cuted her words making her swallow them back.

"Alright this is a good idea. Rather leave while not fleeing. We can take more stuff and place better defences once we reach the destination in possible preparation."

Looking at Chie that had spoken, I nodded it was my point exactly. This village was in a awful place. Hard to defend inside a valley we could be encircled and trapped. It would be to late to cry then.

Arkalat POV.

I missed my lovely wife. My son, our son had been born and I had yet to hold it once in my arms. But how could I face her looking like a beast? My sunray of light did not deserve to have a monster for husband.

I frowned. Neither could i endure the thought of her moving on from me. My soul arched for her own.

While I wanted nothing more then to be with her: I still had things to do. I had gone back to my rightful place and found out who had been behind the attack. Turned out it was an attempt against her life.

Some stupid followers had sprouted nonsense prophecy, her birthing the next doom demon lord. While he was my son and my blood I had been sealed and very much only a dark elf. While he could well become a demon lord a doom lord only had one fonction and that was doom. Dooming the world killing everything and lived with undeads. Well they could not be said to live at all, after all, Doom lords were also undeads.

An undead Demon lord.

The magic needed to achieve such only a god of evil and necromancy would make one to unleash death and havoc on the world.

Now however I had returned to my original form.

While my son had my blood, he did not have the demon part at least not yet. He likely would live his entire life without awakening it.

I needed to clean out those holy-idiots that would continue to try to attempt killing both my wife and child.


Chie and the others prepared the items needed for the journey, such as food, warm blankets a carriage that had closed space for use as travelling house. The carriage looked like those of gypsys looking much like a mobile home.

Buying four sturdy looking horses to pull the carriage, as well as, to be used as mounts.

Once everything was ready they all setted out to that new piece of land.

The trails were uneventful as they quietly rode along. The wyvern flew above with the two dragonlings. Their presence enough to deter any animal or creature from venturing to close.

Like this they arrived at the quiet clearing nearing a beautiful and massive lake.