
Get settled

The clearing being a beautiful place to settle in. Calm large river bordering it provided plenty of fish and water.

Esperanza's gaze wondered the zone a small ark on her lips as her eyes flickered with light enjoyment.

this place would be perfect.

It would be much easier to defend and protect against the enemy than any other place.

They then all got down to work. building the houses and warehouse buildings. they all worked fast. they needed to secure the place so monsters would not be able to attack them.

Bast and Chie worked together to make the warehouse and line of defense. Laying out traps and other devices of defense.

Unknown to them in the shadows a presence was watching them.

A small ark curved his devilish lips with a faint joy. He didn't want his beloved wife to become upset and sad if she could be happier than all would work out in the future.

But none of them had any idea about what was going to happen in the future.

The undead army was far greater than what anyone had foreseen and would become a calamity for the rest of the world. No amounts of defenses would shield them from it. they would be right in the eye of the storm.

But this wouldn't happen for the moment and they could still enjoy a well earned respite from all the troublesome things.

Once all the construction had been completed, they as a group decided to roast some boar and have a bit of fun for a change.