
Bone head

The boy could easily recognize his father as he often came while all should be sleeping. He only stepped into his wife's room to gaze at her as she slept.

A time the boy pretended to sleep as he had felt an intruder thus had woken up.

The boy pretended to sleep to know of the intruder intention at first.

After all, he was small even if it startled his mom awake it might do more harm than good.

Never would have imagined that the stranger was actually his own dad!

The man held his mother gently as she slept gently caressing her hair as she whispered in her sleep curling into his arms a three-syllable name Arkalat.

The boy forgot to pretend to "even breath" to fake his sleep, Of course, that slight change had been noticed by your truly. -Arkalat.

Sensing something amiss with his son sleep got up from the bed careful not to wake the sleeping wife.

Going to the cradle of his now two-year-old son to watch him sleep.

The boy shut his eyes tightly, exposing his sleeping act to his father.

Arkalat had a scowl as he gazed at his son. The little prick had fooled him!

He would place his child to sleep and wipe off his appearance from his memory.

His heart hurt at the thought of removing his presence from his kid memory.

After all, he longed for their presence, but his enemies had not all perished yet. It would still be too dangerous for them now that his seal had broken.

It was a battle between angels, celestials, demons and gods. Mortals like them would be crushed like ants and used against him if not worst tortured to a state where living would be unbearable and would be better off dead.

Has he was going to cast the mind spell after much hesitation the boy spoke weakly.

"Dad?" that was all his little sunray said and his resolution crumbled to dust.


The dracolich roared angrily, as his aura was being suppressed by a being not even the size of his massive claws.

Akalat made a cunning evil smirk. The monster unleashed a mighty breath weapon of acidic magical rays. Arkalat grabbed Johnathan in one hand by his belt carrying him like a potato sack and over his shoulder, he took the dragonling that still was shocked into a daze.

Dropping both of them on his wyvern in a shift move to then fly toward the gargantuan beast.

Dodging left and right the claws of the dragon that tried to stump this annoying fly!

Hanging on the wyvern head the small boy cried away his grievances. He might have been smart and strong but he still remained just a little kid. That near brush with death had scared him out of its wits.

The boy watched his dad in awe as he fought the beast with ease suppressing it with his much faster speed using the beast size against it.

The lich seeing his knight chess piece fall into a disadvantage. Took action aiming a magical beam of compressed magic essences toward the boy.

After all, the demon would either have to give up the beast or lose the boy.

Aiming his bone finger toward the boy as he chanted the spell.

In doing this, the undead lich was aiming at unsetting the demon as it appeared to protect that mortal child.

As soon as the spell unleashed the boy froze as the large beam headed his way. The wyvern even if fast had also been taken by surprise and wouldn't be able to avoid the long-ranged sneak attack.

"Oh no, you don't you stupid bone head!" A voice rang clear as crystal river waters with angry hows of the river winds.