
Gather up

Speranza flew using her magic, Pheonix like wings coming from her back as her entire body became a burning raging flame. Her long hair floating in the fire wind-heat. A fireball as huge as The dragon head blocked the ray of compressed magic meeting it halfway.

Jonathan couldn't help but call out. "Mom!" The boy had so many frights handed to him that night he clearly understood how naive he had been! the world outside was far more dangerous than what he had given it credits for.

Looking at her son for a moment she gave him a 'you mister are in deep shit look.'

the boy and dragonling exchanged a glance of both terror and relief. Both his dad and mom were there.

The lich was infuriated that a 'mere' mortal could stop his magic, after all, he had existed for a few hundred years his magic never stoping to grow and deepen yet that mortal woman stopped it with a mere third level spell! it was humiliating!

but emotions were not felt by the undead, after all, he had retained logic but not emotion.

With a wave of his hand, he sent another bust of magic in form of magic air spears.

The dragon tried at the same time to open his massive jaws and crush the insolent flies!

Arkalat with a wave of his sword sent a heavily compressed airstrike to the gargantuan beast.

Husband and wife contradancing in unison Chie flew on the wyvern unleashed a massive ice spell seconding Speranza a blizzard merged to the fire creating a hot boiling vapour of magic. the lich had no choice but to evade! Making him move back with speed or he would have been sent back to his phylactery.

The sense of danger coming from the two mortal for the first time he seemed to somewhat take a bit more seriously

Chie and Speranza exchanged a gaze and both charged down toward the lich one creating a fireball the other making a long ice sword. Chie arriving first as she had jumped down the wyvern sliced forward making the lich have no choice but to dodge and back further where a fireball the size of a large dog crashed forcing him to stay on the defensive as he was pressured by the two!

The girls attacking one after the other than together leaving him no room to catch a breath!

'Ice Pit!' Chie bellowed in a cry as she summoned a spike trap from under him.

"Gravitas sole," Speranza said with a sober voice placing the lich under the gravity of the sun a titanic pressure pushed the lich toward the ground where the ice trap was laid his eyes glowed red as he disappeared in a wisp of smoke to re-appear higher in the sky a huge globe of darkness above him as he launched the spell.

[exitium tenebris] sucked the miasma into its compressed core like a blackhole unleashing winds and debris into the air.

Speranza furrowed her slender brows this spell was a tenth legendary level spell this was bad real bad!

looking at each other they summoned their own respective best staffs grabbing them as they materialized their magic morphing into magical particles flying around them as it gathered both parties clearly wanted to wipe the map of the other.

'lumen stellae' Speranza roared covered in her fire aimed her staff toward the lich as she lunched her magic.

'ultimatum glacies.' Chie spoke with conviction sync fully unleashing her own spell

The fire of the sun which she drew the power from then lunched alongside the ray of the hardest ice in existence in the universe, deep space ice when it met with the destruction globe crash of shockwave reverberated sending strong winds to both parties as the spells had nullified themselves.

The hole had been overfed of light and ice therefore simply crashed sending everything away from its core!

Speranza Tsked with slight annoyance while Chie had a choked expression they had not even dented its defence they could only nullify it! if this dragged on it would be very bad. Mana wasn't something unlimited and lunching such a spell was costly!

they both tried not to show that they were panting heavily trying to look fine giving a glance toward Arkalat he wasn't in any better situation than them. The dragon must have been an ancestral one it was not showing any signs of weakening after a lot of efforts.

Cursing in her heart she said to Chie. 'we need to get Jonathan away this miasma is working in their favour while we are depleting in strength rapidly, We might stand a chance if the others were there!'

looking back at her she nodded 'we need to retreat, we won't win at this rate. We only had those two staff yet now they are in a pitiful state we need to gather and retreat.'

Nodding the wyvern flew fast and swept down the girls in a swift movement jumped on it's back as the lich bombarded them with magic missiles the wyvern agilely evading left then right down and further up making a swift escape toward Arkalat yet they could see that he was launching an area of effect spell there was no avoiding that one!

the girls tried to muster a counterspell yet, there was no way they would make it in time they could only try to reduce it even by a peep!

Unable to block or retreat they wherein the path of a wide area spell of miasmatic energy merged with the dark element there heart sank like the titanic. They were doomed!

as the spell was about to reach them a loud Dragon roar screeched through the sky. a barrier appearing as an invulnerability globe of magic deviating the magic around them the girls grew wide-eyed as they couldn't process just how they had been saved!

she gazed in the direction of Arkalat but he was engaged with the dragon him to being pressured more and more into a corner as he had to protect the little bun giving him a major handicap!

turning her gaze back she saw Chie staring in disbelief her gaze following hers's she was stunned! she could not believe what and who she was seeing!

tears spilled out slowly on her cheek as her hands covered her mouth.

"father, everyone!"