

An arrow flew toward the lich, while two swordsmen were hot on the trail glowing yellow energy surrounded their shape.

The Red Dragon and the older man, as well as, Demona joined them as they suppressed the lich

Chie Sitting near Speranza with heavy panting and a small corner smile. Those that were arriving at the scene were like water after a week in the desert without any.

Magic spells flew left and right. The lich eye glowed once more as the Dracolich unleashed a mass area of effect of a few hundred meters wide breath weapon.

Arkalat at this point was also being suppressed. Doing his best to keep that dragon too busy to have time to care about its master.

Seeing the dragon throw such breath toward him and the group. The result he could not dodge furthermore he would have to take it directly. If he dodged those guys who would be hit as well as they were going to be taken by surprise. Would not be able to avoid nor parry. He felt his guts in his throat and his heart clench.

Slashing down his sword to create an airwave or sword intent he felt two arrows pass him and merge into his swing. One made of hot molten lava the other made of hardened crystal ice. A smirk appeared on his features as those merged dancing arrows of pure magic gave him the small edge needed to push back the breath of the gargantuan beast just enough for all of them not to get destroyed!

They would still have a few burnt hair's but it wouldn't be that bad. Ok, maybe just burnt hair was placing it lightly. Lucky for Jonathan the psychic dragon had covered him with his own body sandwiching him between him and the demonic wyvern's body. Its hard scales took all the blast for the powerful dragon.

A mighty roar of anger came from the beast, swiping his humongous clawed paw toward the group trying to crush them all.

The old man waved his staff and rammed the endpoint to the ground. A hand the size of a sixty story skyscraper came from the ground and met with the draco-lich even flipping it over.

The lich eye glowed red once more as the draco-lich eyes also sparkled in a deathly red glow.

The group only saw the lich disappear in a whisk of smoke avoiding all their attacks and reappear at the head of the evil undead dragon.

Now the lich and dragon were taking the group of mortal seriously as they decided to unit to fight their enemies.

under wide eyes and gritted teeth, the two where casting a spell that was combining the lich magic with the dragon mighty breath weapon.