

While the ominous, dangerous spell grew to gigantic proportions as the fire red young dragon started to build up his own power inside his chest. The young dragon while much younger than the ancestral evil Draco-lich his power was also nothing to scoff at!

the old man took his own staff and waved it in circles above his head the wind picking up in a wide swirl nourished the flames of the dragon both growing ever so larger as time passed.

The group looked at them from behind at the same time, the dragon and the old man had placed themselves as a barrier between the lich and them. They had been lost for the longest time between time and space. going through numerous worlds and realms to head back 'home' and reunite with them.

They were not about to let some walking corpses take everyone they cherished from them! Standing once more the girls stood in a line each building up between their palms magical energy, as well as, magical diagrams benefit their feet.

Lighting up the darkness and pushing the miasma away from the group as they glowed with their own elemental powers.

Arkalat took his sword at the same moment all unleashed their magic he slashed the air merging his dark magic with the light magic which then met the wind and fire of the dragon a twirl of merging magic faced the doom spells of destruction and death a wide blast echoed thought the lands the meet of the spells viewable from thousands of miles the miasma dispersed in one instant from the shock wave it had created.

the lich and dragon stood unmoving flakes of particles of magic slowly stripping from both their form as the lich eerie voice resounded in the air the chill-inducing feeling making everyone that heard his voice hair stood on edge.

"Mortals....hehe... This is but the beginning... Mortals..."

The eerie laughter echoed as the last piece of the lich were erased from existence the group fell to their knees and collapsed. Jonathan ran to his mom finally free from the crushing pressure that had kept him unable to move. Already weak Speranza fell down with him in her embrace. Now Jonathan was laying flat on her chest.

She Sweetly smiled at her only son as she patted his head. The boy's grief and wails echoed through the place as he cried his fears of losing everything away... He had been so full of his pride and nearly lost it all, his mom, his dad even his friends no one would have survived if things had played out slightly differently.

Bast sitting down next to Sakura and Chie gave them a small smirk which to both of them made a small scuff in addition to rolling up their eyes at him.

Arkalat walked to Speranza and took both her and their son in his own arms holding them tight.

Turning his gaze to where the old man sitting atop the red dragon's head a small smile on his greatly aged face.

Placing Speranza down on her own two legs as she held her small bun, he nodded to the Oldman while he knew that this man was his father-in-law, his father in law had a clear resemblance to his wife.

Big pearl-like tears fell from her eyes as Speranza gazed at her aged father. He had aged decades since she had last seen him.

The old man grey-haired man smiled at his only daughter and spoke in a hoarse and tired voice.

"My daughter. I have finally found you."