The Capital(1)

I hate aeroplanes.

I know it's the fastest mode of transportation and miracle of science and stuff. But stuffing a bunch of people in a cabin and then making them fly through the air high in the sky, where even hitting a bird could turn out bad, is just asking for a disaster to happen.

Even the slightest error could possibly cause me to lose my life. I don't know about you, but if I am going to die, I don't want it to be because of someone else's careless mistakes. Trying to distract myself as I the plane took off, I recalled what happened back home and felt uncomfortable.

With righteous anger flowing through my veins, I figured it would just be another case of screaming and shouting that I was going to face, but this time it turned out quite differently.

I entered my home full of anger, ready to go on a full on screaming mode. I barged in, slamming the door, making my presence and anger known. I found my dad where he was last time as if nothing has changed. The house still sparkly clean from the clean up. I guess in his perspective just a couple of hours has passed and I couldn't believe how ridiculous life is. My whole perspective about life has changed in just this small amount of time which would usually be enough to finish watching a movie.

This just somehow made me angrier, if that's possible, and I straight on accused him of cheating on my mom and expressed my dissatisfaction of his behaviour and how I was the one taking care of him all this time but he turned out to be such a scum. There may have been some profanities involved but let's not mention that.

I don't know what I expected from him when I revealed that I knew about his past- maybe some remorse? Regret? Anger? I don't know. But I didn't get any of that. Instead, I just got silence. An eerie silence where he just watched me scream as if watching a monkey performing in a circus. Watching him like this, I ran out of steam quickly as I felt that speaking to him was just pointless.

Then I informed him of my intention going to the capital city, and how he must stay here by himself as I wouldn't probably return for a long time. I didn't tell him about magic part of things, obviously. You think I can't keep a secret?

But after I packed up the things I needed, I heard him laugh.


When I looked at him again, I almost couldn't recognise him, he looked malevolent, his eyes looking at me with scorn, in a condescending manner. His whole aura had changed and his always muddled eyes looked crystal clear.

I swear that's the scariest sight I have ever seen. To see someone you think you know undergo such a drastic transformation? That was spooky as hell.

"Boy! You think you are clever? You think you are destined for greater things than to be tied down by this old bag of bones? HAHAHA!! You think you can fool me with your excuses? I cheated on your mother? That's right! I did it! But what has it got to do with you? HAHAHA!! I can see it in your eyes, boy! You want power! You want wealth! You are not satisfied with mediocre life. Just like I did when I was young."

Wait what? What is he talking about?

"Did you know? I had everything that I could possibly make me live my life happily. I had an women who loved me, a stable job, a child. I had all that! But I was not satisfied!! I wanted more! HAHAHA!! I was so stupid back then! I created a company. Poured my heart into it so that I could become what I always wanted. With my own blood and sweat, I managed to do it! You think it was easy? I went from a normal and ordinary guy to someone with influence. With a snap of my finger, I could make or ruin someone's life."

I wanted to interrupt him but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I suddenly felt like listening to him talk about what actually happened at that time as he had never done that before. Also, I was mesmerised by how animated he was that I just stood there, with the packed luggage in my hands, listening to him speak.


"But everything has a cost, boy! I was obsessed with power so much that I ignored what I had. My wife... You think I didn't love her?? I DID!! But power and wealth, as good as it is to have, will also make you blind. I was blind back then. I couldn't see the most precious thing I had right before my eyes and chased after the life of luxury. I thought back then- What's wrong having a mistress? Every wealthy guy sure has one. I made it so that my whole family could live a luxurious lifestyle. Is it too much to ask for if I just take a lover on the side. I am sure my wife would understand.", he looked as if he was crying and laughing at the same time.

I could see so many emotions on his face. He kept on talking as if I wasn't here. I continued listening to the sad tale of my old man.

"It never occurred to me that perhaps, she did not want me to be more successful. It never occurred to me that all she wanted was to be with her husband and son and to live happily. She never was interested in my ambition but always supported my decisions.

"HAHAHA!! Power made me blind!! Only after she died did I realise what she meant for me. On that day, when she pushed me away, when I looked in her eyes before she died, did you know what I saw? It was forgiveness- Forgiveness and love. What have I done to deserve that from her? I ignored her when seeking wealth and power and I didn't give her the love she deserves. I could finally see then- the power, the wealth aren't treasures worth seeking, but rather are shackles that imprison you!"

He looked at me solemnly,with his clear eyes,"Boy! Listen to me. Don't chase after power. It may look attractive but look what it did to me. I know you wouldn't listen to me but don't tell me I didn't warn you in future."

On the list of things my dad is good at, I will add monologue too.

I get what he is trying to tell me. He is trying to warn me from taking the same path he did. Perhaps he thinks that I am switching cities to pursue my ambition. And that's a reasonable conclusion if you think about it, because why else would someone go to bigger cities?

I am interested in power? Wealth? Sure, its nice if I could have all that, but I wouldn't actively pursue them. Power makes people blind? Only if your resolve is weak does that happen. Haven't there been many historical figures who, despite being very powerful and influential, lived a simple and peaceful life?

After pondering for a while, I realised that everything he said was an excuse. He is still deluding himself by blaming things on external factors and couldn't bring himself to admit that the one at fault was himself.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a violent turbulence. I know I said this before, but man! I hate aeroplanes.

I decided to pull myself together and stop thinking about the past. I have a bright future ahead of myself now. I felt excited about the prospect of magic and looked forward to reaching my destination, the capital city- Peyton.