What would happen when someone ends up in the naruto universe with saiyan bloodline?
Lets watch how cane survives and ends up bringing chaos to the elemental nations with his elite saiyan bloodline and ninjutsu
Author: just for the audience i will add in a system too hehe :)
Well i like the development in which he goes to the naruto world with saiyan blood the concpt is cool and all but try to keep the updates coming okay
You said a naruto world but he is in the saiyan world or is there gonna be a space crack or something... nice chapters though but we need steady updates if possible 2 chapters a day thanks
MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the story so far and I am eagerly waiting to see what happens next but I do have a question. Master Roshi had a power level of 350 max around dbz and he could blow up the moon when he wanted to. And you are saying that a power level of 500 or so is the amount of power that a low Genin has. I am unsure about the logic of power level in this scenario
you should update faster . .
I like it but wish there was a bit more still stuck on chapter 4 so please update faster or inform if it was dropped.other then that interesting primis ,leaves the door wide open also has a firm background for the author to play with. I think the MC will become quote over powered fast but I'll wait to see what the author decides.
So far so good, the story is interesting enough for me but for now I shall wait for more updates. I've got ninety thousand pounds in my pajamas. I've got forty thousand French francs in my fridge. I've got lots of lovely lira, Now the Deutschmark's getting dearer, And my dollar bills would buy the Brooklyn Bridge.
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