Chapter 3: SYSTEM INITIALIZING.........

When Cane opened his eyes he was in an area covered with trees all around him.

"Is this another GOD, or did the old one just change his background theme??Did I really die again??"(Cane)

Cane pinches himself very hard to confirm his thoughts

"OWWW!! that hurt like hell!! So I am really alive, thank GOD!! but wasn't the ship caught in a black hole?"(Cane)

Cane checked his body to confirm that there are no injuries but was surprised to find that he had grown a lot bigger.

He then checks if the ship is still working and surprisingly it still works, he verifies how long it has been and was shocked to find out that almost 6 years had gone by, 5 years 9 months and 20 days to be exact.

Cane got out of the spaceship and found out that he was almost 1.3 meters tall, then he tried to walk with his new body, as it was his first time it took a little time for him to get used to his new body and after getting used to his body with some movements and boxing he found out that he had gotten stronger, he took out an energy scouter from the spaceship and used it on himself to scan his power level, it showed that his power level was '595'.

"This is not even enough to defeat an adult saiyan let alone Frieza, I have to get stronger as fast as possible only then will I be able to control my fate"(Cane)

Cane started to plan his training, but suddenly found out that he didn't know how to train a saiyan body or even a human body for that matter. While thinking about training his stomach started to rumble ,

"Well, I will think about training after getting something to eat"

Cane started checking the spaceship for some food but found out that there was only some nutrition tablets remaining so he ate two tablets and stores the rest in his pocket, the one thing that he found the most convenient was his battle suit it, can grow along with him and has quite large pockets inside his top armor.After storing these tablets he then started searching for some useful items to hunt some beasts in this forest because even though he had nutritional tablets it was tasteless so he decided to hunt for some meat .

After searching five minutes he didn't find any weapons but he found a chip in the ship's cabin with 'training manual for saiyans' written on the top of it and many weights which can be used like wrist bands and knee pads, he left the weights there and he tried to insert training manual chip in the spaceship then started to play it .

The spaceship started projecting images on the air .

"Saiyans are the strongest fighting race in the universe not only because of our saiyan bloodline but also because of our cultivation manuals developed through centuries, if you want to be a strong saiyan or even the legendary super saiyan then you have to forge your body through countless life and death fights, that is why different races say that 'Whatever that can't kill a saiyan, will only make him stronger', but along with this you have to train you body using weights and body strengthening exercise created specially for saiyans to truly achieve the peak of power "(projection)

And then the projection started showing different exercises and postures used for training the body

and when Cane started to learn this postures and exercises by heart, he was astonished to find out that his memory and comprehension was much much better, so, to find out if it has really gotten better he tried to do some sums that took him hours to do in the previous life and found out that it only took him a minute or two do the same, his intelligence really has improved by a huge margin,Cane believed that this was one of the benefits of the saiyan blood.

"After improving the body comes absorbing 'qi'. Qi is an energy found in the universe which helps the beings of the universe in getting stronger. By absorbing Qi and storing it in your dantian you can use it to destroy others by ejecting this stored qi against your opponent, there are various types of attacks using qi they are called qi arts and it can also be used to strengthen the body but to start absorbing qi you should develop your body until it is capable of holding it, otherwise it may cause injuries or even death but don't worry, our saiyan bloodline is one of the strongest bloodline in the universe so our bodies are much stronger from birth, due to our bloodline, so it is much easier to absorb qi for us, still, it is better to build a strong foundation from the start so that you won't have any bottlenecks in the future"(projection)

The projection then started to show how to absorb qi into your body through the pores in our skin and how to strengthen the body using the absorbed qi, the projection then started teaching all kinds of martial skills and qi arts to Cane.

The projection finally ended after four whole hours and by this time Cane had already started to try out some of the exercises and postures for body strengthening, he wanted a solid foundation as just becoming strong isn't enough in this world, you have to be the strongest if you don't want someone like frieza blasting off your planet into ashes.



After training for five whole hours Cane couldn't even feel his body, so he just laid there trying to regain some stamina,he had weights on both hands and legs each weighing 50 kilograms but all these workouts really paid up because his power level had went to '670' from '590'.

Don't underestimate this power spike even though it looked small because other saiyans will take months if not years to reach this level if they are training normally, without any life and death battles, and the reason Cane only took four hours is because of his insane thirst for power which boosted his will power and his bloodline which is as strong as prince Vegeta if not stronger .

"Grrrrr....grrrrrhh~"(Cane's stomach)

Cane gets up with difficulty and eats two nutritional tablets but his appetite wasn't satisfied so he ate another three, which, finally curbed his hunger but Cane knew that because of his training his appetite will only grow bigger so he had to find some real food instead of these tablets, so he decides to set of for a hunt to get some food.

Cane hides his spaceship with branches of trees, even though it wasn't a very thorough concealment but it will do for now and he is not going to go that far anyway, and so, he sets out.

Even though Cane doesn't have any weapons, he isn't scared of any beasts as his body, even without the qi, is stronger than even Goku when he was 12 and Goku was the strongest in his planet and that time ,except for maybe piccolo, and no beast could even try to hurt him, even if the beast in his planets were as big as dinosaurs.

After searching for energy signals for sometime he was able to catch some small beast,like rabbits and foxes but what surprised him was that the rabbits in this world had power level of '7-10' and foxes had a power level of '18-23', now, these animals may be considered even weaker than ants compared to Cane but you have to remember that an average man on Goku's planet only had a power level of '5' or '6' so this showed that the average beings in this world is much stronger than that on planet earth in DBZ and this made Cane more cautious because if even the beast are this strong then there is no need to talk about the humans or whatever aliens that lived on this planet.

Cane started a fire with the woods and started to cook the beasts that he caught. 'The beasts here are much stronger than that of planet earth so they should be more tasty too' was the thought that went through cane's mind while roasting the meat .After 6 minutes of roasting the meat was finally ready to eat. Cane picked the roasted rabbit to eat first.


the rabbit tasted wonderful ,even though he didn't add any condiments in it,as the rabbit meat was even better than the best rabbit in his previous earth, the meat was so tender and soft that it melted along with his saliva, Cane started devouring all the meat as this was his first taste of meat in years which made it even more delicious.

While Cane was happily devouring his meal, he perceived some noise behind him so he turned his head around in that direction and was startled because behind him was a huge boar which looks like a mini elephant with a height of 2.8 meters and a length of 3.2 meters, the boar's tusks were large and sharp and it had a ferocious face, the eyes of the boar was glaring at Cane as though he was it's meal.

Cane started to have goosebumps because even though he know that he was strong but he never had even killed a pig let alone a over-sized wild boar who is already going berserk because of the delicious smell of roasted rabbit, so he started to get anxious


The boar charges at Cane who was at first anxious but then started getting angry at the boar(side-effects of bloodline) and charges at the boar too


Cane and the boar clashes against each other and Cane was pushed back and only stopped after skidding for 1 meter, Cane was surprised and tried to scan the boar's power level and its showed an astonishing '550' energy level, even though it was weaker than cane in energy level but due to its tough hides it was much tougher to deal with. This was Cane's first tough opponent.

The boar started charging at Cane again but this time Cane dodged the charge ,but the boar couldn't stop it's momentum so it clashed against a tree, the tree collapsed, and the boar stood there stunned from the impact, Cane used this as a chance and punched at the boar's head.



Both shouted from the pain, the boar due to the pain of being punched on the head and Cane due to hitting the boar strongest part ,it's skull. After shaking it's head, the boar, now clearly enraged, charged again while pointing its sharp tusk at Cane , but Cane dodged again as he knew that he would be done for if he was stabbed by the tusk, but when cane dodged the boar, it used it's strong hind legs to kick at Cane.


Cane started flying from the impact and the momentum stopped only after hitting a tree, the tree broke down from the impact and Cane started spitting blood ,he was sure that one or two of his ribs were broken if not more.

Cane stands up with difficulty this time and looks at the boar, who had already started charging at him again , cane could only endure the pain and start fighting again.


By shouting those words he started gathering his willpower and jumped above the charging boar and landed on its back and then gathering all of his remaining power he started bashing the boar's head again and again while clinging on the boar's back, the boar knowing that it is in a precarious situation started jumping and bashing against trees to get rid of Cane , but Cane wouldn't let go even if it mean't death as he knew that this was his only chance, he punched the boar with even more strength, then with a final "thump" the boar fell on it's side.


Cane was breathing roughly, clearly exhausted from the intense battle with boar. He felt that his hands were literally as heavy as a boulder, when he tried to lift them up, and when he looked at his hands he suddenly felt that he was so stupid


Cane had already forgotten everything about the weights due to the intense pressure from the boar.

'no wonder I couldn't dodge its attack, that was a whole 200 kgs of weights' cane was thinking to himself when suddenly,








