The Truth Is Out!

Chapter 5 : The Truth Is Out!

One week had passed since the incident with N.W.O. and the public became more and more restless.

It wasn't because Neo International hadn't released any concret information regarding the cause of the trapped players, or there was going to be a war between nations due to Neo International's virtual reality technology.

The public didn't really care about those things right now.

What made them restless was because the incident of people being trapped in their dreams kept appearing.

Everyday millions of people would be trapped in the dream world as soon as they fell asleep.

Some people tried to resist their sleepyness with various methods, for examples, drank a lot of coffee until their stomach was bulging, ate sour fruits, slapping themselves whenever they were almost asleep, etc.

But, however much they tried, at most, they could hold on for three days and three nights, and after that it would be imposible to resist the temptation to fall asleep.

And even a veteran soldier who often couldn't sleep for days in the battlefield, no matter how formidable he was, had to sleep sooner or later.

In summary, it was a futile attempt of foolish mortals, that was what my opinion of those moronic actions of some people.

Anyway, after my mom and dad were trapped in the dream world, countless other people followed their footsteps.

And after so many of them being trapped, finally the information about the existence of project world rebirth came to light.

I didn't know whether I should be happy or sad about it…


Had you forgotten my mom's opinion about the main quest given to the trapped people?

Only crazy people would work everyday to the bone for four years nonstop!

Should I be happy that I wasn't the only crazy people out there?

Or should I be sad because my own mother had labeled his own son to be crazy?

Whichever it was, I didn't like it one bit!

Ahem! Back to the story.

At the moment I was in my room, relaxing on my soft bed while playing with my handphone, reading a webnovel on qidian website. Or that should have been the case until the little thing in front of me appeared out of nowhere.

The thing I mentioned was a little blue fairy the size of my palm that was flying around in front of me.

She had long blond hair that reached her waist, a pair of clear blue eyes, a cute face, a pair of transparent butterfly like wings, and was wearing a blue floral dress paired with matching blue shoes.

With a big smile plastered on her cute little face, the little fairy waved her hand happily at me, and with a cheerfull tone of voice, she greeted me full of vigor.

"Hi there! You must be David Holmes right?".

Was that a fairy?

Was it real?

Or was I dreaming?

Those questions kept spiraling inside my brain, as if playing a music video in a loop mode.

My mind was stil in the process of comprehending the surreal spectacle in front of my eyes, so I unconsciously answered her question.

"Uhh… yeah, that's me, who are you?"

Seeing my absent minded expression, she tilted her small head and asked curiously.

"Are you okay? Want me to call the ambulance for you?"

I shook my head a few times to clear up my mind and replied to her kind offer.

"No, thanks, but can you tell me who are you? No, wait a sec, rather than that what are you?"

With a big sunny smile, she replied happily. "Sure thing, my name is Moonshine, a fairy envoy of the god."

An envoy? A god?

An envoy of a god?

I involuntarily squinted my eyes and scanned her from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

She might have seen my unconvinced expression, since she looked pretty upset, her small mouth was pouting and she put her hands on her waist.

She once again repeated her statement before, but this time she put more emphasis on it.

"Yes! A fairy envoy! of the god!"

When I saw her cute angry face, somehow, I felt like a bully.

Moreover, I had the urge to make her kept angry at me, but I barely managed to hold that urge, and I forced myself to keep cool headed by pinching my own thigh.

Somehow, I almost fell into the wrong path of life…

As to not make her kept angry, I noded repeatedly as a sign that I understood what she implied. "So, Miss Moonshine, what can I do for you?"

She was huffing in displeasure at my action, nevertheless, she still answered my question. "I am here to give your stuffs in advance."

My stuffs?

did I buy something that could have me a personal visit from a fairy?

I didn't think so.

Plus, no way in the world there was a company that hired a fairy as a currier.

Upon seeing my puzzled look, she waved her hand and countless moths of light came out of thin air. It then gathered on the floor and formed into two items.

"What I means is those two things." She then pointed at the two objects on the floor, and as I looked closely at them, I recognized one of the item.

It was a plain white mannequin from N.W.O.

One of the loots I gained after I defeated Ultima, and also the one I selected to be brought out of the game.

A sudden flash of thought crossed my mind, finally, it was here.

I had expected this, but to see it in reality still made me surprised.

Soon, the guts feeling I had before would become true. And I hoped the world could retain its peace, though it might be difficult.

N.O.W. was just a tutorial for something else. The system hadn't messing around at all.

And the appearance of this fairy in front of me meant the time was almost ready for whatever project world rebirth was.

I shifted my gaze to the other item that was lying down next to the mannequin.

it was a super size tdark blue tome, with height around 1.5 meter, width about 1 meter, and thickness about 0.6 meter.

An elaborate golden runes were inscribed on its cover, and just by looking at those life like runes, you would feel a tremendous magic power from it.

the corner of my mouth twitched slightly as I tried to lift it up from the floor. It was so heavy that I almost lost my grip on it. If I guessed correctly, it should have weight around 20 kg or so.

It would be too cumbersome to hold it in my hands, so I threw away the idea of lifting it and asked the fairy about it. "What is this?"

If my memory served me right, I never had such a huge tome in N.W.O. If I had it, there was no way for me to forget such a conspicuous tome lying around in my inventory.

After seing my failure to lift the book, she giggled in amusement and with a mocking tone she replied. "You are so weak. That's tome is for your subclass'.

The corner of my lips twitched a little, to think that the day I was mocked being weak would come this soon. I thought it would be decades later when my hair all had turned white that someone would call me weak.

Moreover, for a fit young man who often work out to be called weak by a small fairy whom I bet had a hard time just lifting a normal book, , was really embarrassing.

In the end, I pretended not to hear the first part of her sentence and asked for more detail. "My subclass?"

She nodded in confirmation. "Correct, didn't the system tell you that you can retain your subclass?"

Well, I remembered that, but the size of the tome was really too huge compared to the one in N.W.O. it was about ten times bigger than the one I had used previously. .

Raiseing an eyebrow in doubt, I pointed my finger at the tome and did a double checked with the fairy. "Do you mean this tome is like the one in the game, where I can use the tome to change my subclass into True Alchemist?"

She tilted her head to the side as she thought about it for a second, and then gave me a vague answer. "Hmm, not exactly, but close enough. You will understand once you use it"

Couldn't she just told me straight away? What a troublesome fairy.

Smiling wryly, I thanked her. "I see, thank you for sending these items to me."

With a proud look, she waved her hand, acting generously. "Its okay, that's one of my jobs after all. Well then, I need to go back, see you next time".

As she was about to turned and leave, I raised my hand to hold her off. "Wait! Can you tell me what exactly project world rebirth is?".

The only one who might know project world rebirth was right in front of me. Whatever it took me, I needed to asked her. I couldn't just let her leave like that.

After all, there might not be anymore chance like this appearing in the future, so I should take advantage of it while I could.

And whether she would answer or not was secondary, the important thing right now was to ask her first.

She halted her wings that were halfway open, and looked at me for a few second, as if she was judgjing whether or not to tell me. "Hmm hmm, let's see… I think its okay to tell you about it. there is only an hour left until the project will be launched after all. So, listen well".

She then began her explaination, since the beginning of time, the original god of our world had a lazy and easy going attitude. Just like a kid who quickly lost interest with a new toy, he created our world just for fun, and after a few millions of years had passed, he began losing interest and started neglecting our world. He let it run by itself without paying any mind to it.

That was until recently, the god whom she served under, accidentally found our world by chance.

Upon looking at our small world pitiful condition, with no magic source, pollution everywhere, limited resources, etc. he felt pity towards the human who lived in it, if the situation hadn't improve at all, he predicted in less than a million years, our world would come to an end.

After investigating the creator of our world, he found out it was created by the infamous lazy god. He empathized with the living beings who live in our world. so, he decided to buy our world from the lazy god, who had already forgotten the existence of our world, for a dirt cheap price.

So, after buying our world, the new god decided to launch the so called project world rebirth. He planned to increase the size of our world by ten times of its original size, added a few magic sources, a few other races, dungeons, monsters, etc.

In short, project world rebirth was an expansion package from the new god.

As to not let the original inhabitants of our world go extinct due to the dramatic change in environment, and also the danger posed by other new living beings, he created the tutorial for human as to quickly acclimated them to the new environment.

The tutorial was also acting as a trial to see the potential of our world's human. And the new god used N.W.O. as a platform to execute the tutorial. Though later on due to Neo International temporary shut down, he had to move it to the dream world.

The new god knew it very well that human had to have a driving force to stir up their greatest hidden potential. And what was the best driving force for human? Of course, it was their lives.

Of course, the new god didn't really want them to die, so he created a fake death penalty inside N.W.O. And as you knew it, his plan was very successful. No, it even had surpassed the expectation of the new god by a huge margin.

The reason was simple, the main quest of N.W.O. was designed by the developer of Neo International as a raid boss of a hundred players, but I managed to solo it by myself, in which, according to the system should have been impossible to do.

She then told me that due to my outstanding result, the god laxed the difficulty of the other tutorials, and gave me generous rewards.

For example, the item I could have brought out of the game should have a limit of rare item, but I was allowed to bring one of a kind item out of the game world.

Also, the subclass True Alchemist I retained had been greatly improve, that was why the tome she brought was very huge.

There were also a few other things, but she told me to find it out myself.

With a teacher like attitude, she finished her explanation. "That's what progect world rebirth is all about, do you understand?".

Upon hering her explanation, I didn't know whether to thank or cursed that new god.

Who wouldn't be angry when he became someone's lab rat.

At least, I needed to punch him once when I ever saw him.