The Start Of The Project!

Chapter 6 : The Start Of The Project!

What a story… To think that the creator of our world was a lazy ass old coot. It was fine if he didn't take care of his creation and let it to develop by itself, but to think he would forget its existence altogether…

What could I say? He really was too irresponsible. I wondered if there were other worlds he created that had the same fate as us.

However, it might not really a bad thing to be forgotten by that lazy god. Just think of it, with his personality, if he was the one who executed project world rebirth, would he care to give the original inhabitants of this world any chance to acclimate to the new environment?.

The most likely answer was a big NO, his personality wasn't suited to do such a delicate and meticulous planning. He would just execute the plan without thinking too much about the original inhabitants of this world.

The best he would do was to warn and gave us some sort of abilities to defend ourselves, and after that he wouldn't bother to glance at us for a second time.

What would happen then?

An apocalypse, that would be the result of his irresponsibility. Just like the story in many webnovels in qidian website.

Just by imagining what kind of hell our world would become made me shiver involuntarily.

See? Wasn't it a good thing he forgot the existence of our world? At least the worst scenario I mentioned wouldn't occur.

While my head was full with those thoughts, the small fairy that I had forgotten about, started to make a ruckus.

Hey! Hey! You idiot! Stupid! Weakling! Are you listening to me?!"

While she tried to catch my attention by calling me with insults, the small fairy furiously waved her two small hands right in front of my eyes, and the expression of her cute face was full of displeasure.

I apologized with both my hands on the air, admitting my mistake. "Sorry sorry, I was thinking about something. so, what did you say just now?"

With a fed up looked and both hands crossed in front of her chest, she kept silent and stared dagger at me.

it seemed this time she really got angry at me.

Come on, you couldn't blame me for that. the revelation of project world rebirth was so unbelievable, that my brain needed sometimes to process all those informations.

Finally, after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, with a serious expression, she opened her mouth. "I will give you a friendly advice, buy everything you want within a years time, and don't think you can do everything by yourself, it would be the best if you create your own community, or join one if you think it's too troublesome. Unlike in the game where you wont really die, this time even if you die once, you will die for real. Do you understand?".

I didn't know why, but after hearing her advice, I involuntarily nodded my head. Was it because her serious look?

To make a fairy who was famous for their playfull nature to be that serious, it was a sign what she said mean real business.

Or was it because her advice was for my own sake?

Well, when I was trapped inside the game previously, I really did everything by myself and rarely asked for others help.

From that experience, I fully understood how difficult it was to be a lone wolf in a dangerous world, and how limited my actions were. I couldn't act recklessly and had to always on my toes in every steps I took, or else, my life would be the cost of my own carelessness.

At that time, what was in my mind was only to survive and return to reality. Just as you knew, my everyday lives were consist with two words, grinding and more grinding, whether it was for exp, or for mastering my skills.

At first, I wasn't the only one who grind like a madman every day, and creating or entering someone's party was easily be done without much complication, as long as you trust them.

However, as time passed, less and less players continued their grinding. The reason? Simple, they were sick of it. Day by day what they did just grinding like a robot, no fun, no joy, only kill and kill.

In the end, only I and a few others had persisted, and because of our common goal, we created our own party.

However, it also didn't last very long. As the monsters we killed grew in levels, the items they dropped also increased in quality, and these items were the one that created a lot of conflict between us.

so at some point, our internal conflict became so big that almost led us to kill each others, and fortunately enough, a few members who were still hadn't lose their temper managed to calm down the situation.

But because of that one incident, our party became astrange and felt stifling, and slowly, we created a distance from each others and rarely met, let alone partying to grind monsters.

that was the last party I joined, and also the beginning of my solo career.

but hey, creating my own community?

what could I say? Based on my experience in N.W.O. I wasn't a good material for a leader.

Due to an incident that happened when we were raiding a dungeon when I acted as the party leader, almost wiped us out, One of the party members of my last party evaluated me as an incompetent leader.

At first it was fine and smooth sailing, the information we gathered about the dungeon was correct and our strategy worked like magic, but when we faced the boss of the dungen, it used an unknown move against us.

As a party leader, I should have commanded my party members to cope with the sudden turn of event, but unfortunately I couldn't utter a single command, or rather I couldn't think what command to give to my party members.

If it was just me alone fighting with the boss, I would be able to think various ways to counter attack the boss sudden move.

But to give specific command to each of my party members while thinking what to do next,made my mind into a chaotic mess, resulting in my inability to rationally judge the situation and coped with it.

In short, I was inept at organizing or commanding people when thing didn't go as planned.

As for joining someone's community?

Well, if the people inside it weren't some little pricks who I wanted to beat up badly, and had a nice ambiance around it, I might think of joining them.

when my mind was full of those thought, the small fairy suddenly flapped her wings and waved her hand as she said her goodbye. "Okay then, I have stayed for far too long here, it's time for me to go. See you next time, weakling!".

Before I could uttered a word to stop her, she had turned into moths of blue lights and began dissipating into thin air.

Damn it, I hadn't asked about the buying thing yet.

I shook my head in dismay as I remembered what she said before, buy whatever I wanted within a year time.

Buying what? Foods? Games? Or clothes? There were so many things I wanted to buy and she told me to buy all of them within a year. Where the hell would I find the money to buy all of them.

Whatever, let's forgot about it for now.

I looked down and saw the display screen of my handphone. It was 1.30 pm, the fairy appeared in front of me thirty minutes ago, it meant at 1.00 pm.

If I remembered correctly, the fairy said project world rebirth was going to be launched one hour after she appeared in front of me. That meant it would be at 2.00 pm.

If so, I still had thirty more minutes until then.

Switching my attention toward the two items on the floor, I began scratching my head in bewilderment.

So… what did I do with these two items?

Or rather, how did I use it?

That little fairy didn't say a thing about it, did she forget telling it to me? Or did she do it intentionally because I angered her?

Whatever the case, I should move them somewhere first, or else they would be a hindrance for me to move around if they kept lying down there.

With some effort, I moved the two item leaning on the wall near my desk.

Now, let see if I could use them.

If they were really from N.W.O. then the way to use it also should be the same as in the game… hopefully so.

Back in the game, the way to use a tome was pretty simple, just opened the tome and said the magic word, read the tome. And after that it was a straight forward question by the system, asking whether you would like to learn a skill, if it was a skill tome, or changed class, if it was for class changing tome.

Should I try it? There seemed to be no other method that came to my mind, moreover, whatever happened later, I doubted it had any adverse effect on me. After all, this was my reward and not something I randomly gained.

With that thought in mind, my hesitation went away and I reached the tome's cover, pulled it open and what I saw inside it made my breath stopped for a moment, in awe and fascination at the amazing sight in front of me.

Countless golden runes were moving as if they were alive, there seemed to be some sort of pattern that would change after every few seconds, and it emitted a very strong charm to whoever laid their eyes on it.

Shaking my head to clear my mind, a cold sweat started dripping from my forehead. It was too dangerous, I almost lost myself there...

This was a tome for True Alchemist subclass, right? Then, why the hell it had the ability to charm people? I almost thought it was a tome for dancer or other similar classes that utilized charm skills.

it took me quite the effort to pull my attention back to what I was suppose to do, and after a few deep breath to compose myself, I stretched my hand forward and touch the smooth surface of the tome. It felt like touching a silk.

With a small but clear voice, I spoke the magic words, read the tome, immediately after that, the huge tome started to glow in golden hue and in an instant, it turned into a ray of golden light and pierced into my chest.

I didn't feel any pain or any change with my body, but my head was really fuzzy and disoriented. An enormous amount of information started embedding itself deep into my consciousness, creating a constant images of a true master alchemist who dedicated himself to his work.

The interesting part was that I felt my consciousness was merging with him, it made me understand how he worked, his experience, and his insight on the matter of alchemy.

Unknowingly, I immersed myself in the wonderful experience of becoming a true master of alchemy. Time passed and when I regained my consciousness, it was almost 2.00 pm, the time for project world rebirth to start, but I couldn't be bother thinking about it for now.

The reason was my subclass which I just got. No, I didn't have any problem with it, it was just that I remembered the words that little fairy said when I asked her about the tome.

She said it wasn't exactly the same as in the game, but close enough.

I didn't know how she got that conclusion from, but I had a different thought from her. In my opinion, it was a completely a different thing entirely.

While in the game, to become a specific class that you wanted to change into, you had two choices. Firstly through the NPCs, by completing a special quest related to your class of choice, offered by the NPCs. And after you completed the quest and reported it back to the quest giver, they then would do a simple ritual for you to change your class.

The second one was through the tome, you could find these tomes inside an ancient ruins, dropped by boss or special monsters, treasure chests, etc, though the probability of them appearing was quite abysmally low. And after you used the tome, your class would immediately turn into the one the tome's description had mentioned in its flavor text, plus the additional of new skills related to it.

However this time it was completely reversed, to get the class you wanted to change into, you had to fully mastered at least five skills related to the class that you aimed for, before you were able to change your class.

For example, if I wanted to become a beginner warrior, I had to learn five skills related to warrior class, such as, power slash, parry, dash, basic swordsmanship, and basic footwork. After that, I had to train them to full mastery before I could change my class.

It was a very long and tedious process just to master one skill, let alone five.

Though my assumption might be wrong, using the true master alchemist as a base line, from the experience I got, just to be a beginner alchemist had taken him two years of study under a master. If he didn't have a master to guide him, it most likely would take her twice the time needed to be one.

That was also under the assumption he had enough materials to train with, and if he lacked the materials, and had to gather it by himself, it would take more time than that.

Based on this, I assumed the time needed to be a beginner warrior wasn't far off from that of the beginner alchemist

However, in return for the hard work needed to change the class, the buffs given by the class was appropriately huge.

Just like myself, the subclass True Alchemist gave me 100% success rate in crafting, 50% less material needed for crafting, increased 100% effectiveness of the items I crafted,etc.

by the way, this was the levels of skill mastery.

Student level

Junior level

Senior level

Expert level

Professional level

Master level

Greatmaster level

Grandmaster level

Saint level

Sage level

I didn't know or care whether the new god had favored me or just his whimsical act due to a good mood, but he rewarded me with a really ridiculous tome.

True Alchemist wasn't your run of the mill class, it was superior to a normal alchemist that you could find anywhere, and was very special among the other crafting classes.

Just like in the game, True Alchemist didn't just teach you how to make potions, but it encompassed many categories, such as, blacksmithing, tailoring, engineering, and many others that related to enchantment and crafting.

what made me speechless, was the improvement mentioned by the fairy previously, was too crazy. It let me reached straight to the highest level of skill mastery, the sage level in all categories.

Anyway, as long as it didn't cause any trouble, it was all fine. At least I would ask that little fairy, Moonshine, when I met her next time.

Shifting my gaze to the mannequin, I was about to check it out when suddenly an interface appeared inside my mind.

Welcome to Progect World Rebirth.


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The sudden appearance of the interface startled me a bit. But hey, the project finally would begin soon…