My Status

Chapter 7 : My Status

Scanning user….

User recognized

David Holmes, age 22, male.

Welcome to Project : World Rebirth.

Do you want to check your status? Yes/No

When I saw the blue interface which appeared inside my mind, a sudden thought crossed my mind. Hmm, this offly familiar interface… Did the new god design the project using a part of N.W.O. as the base?

well, whatever the case, as long as it was convenient for me, it didn't really matter whether he used a game interface or something else.

What I should concern myself with right now, was my own status. Hence I replied straight away to the interface inside my mind. "Yes!". And in an instant, the display changed.

David Holmes

Main Class : None

Sub Class : True Alchemist

Title : First Class

Strength = E

Constitution = E

Agility = E

Spirit = E

Insight = E

Money = 1,000,000 Credit

Although it used the same interface, the way my status measured in PWR and N.WO. was completely different, the former used alphabets and the later used numbers.

This caused me quite the headache, I couldn't tell whether I was strong or weak just by looking at the alphabets. Was the measurement started at A to E, or in reversed from E to A?

There was no way to know which was the correct one. Later I should ask my parents about their statuses so I could make an objective judgment regarding this matter.

Leaving that aside, let's talked about my title. I got this one alongside the other rewards from the tutorial. I wondered if this title "first Class" had any good effect on me.

I focused my attention on the title and wished to see the detail of the title. . this was the method used by players in N.W.O. to appraise any items, equipments, status, or any other things that they didn't know the functions or details of. And I hoped it also work this time.

An instant after I wished to see the detail of the title, another interface popped out right below the status interface, and as predicted, inside it was the detail description of the title along with its effects.

Title : First Class

Description :

This title is given to the inhabitant of New Earth after the new god took over the world from the previous god. It symbolize the owner major accomplishment in PWR that was approved by the new god.

Effect :

Have a 40% discount in any shop belonging to the god.

Have the clearance to buy items up to level 4.

Have the clearance to use teleportation function of the portal.

Have the clearance to create a guild.

have the clearance to create/rule a city.

Have the...

My eyes were spinning around as I read the long list of the effects of the title. I couldn't believe what I just read. Although I didn't understand some of them, nevertheless I could tell that the benefits brought by the title were too incredible.

If everyone found out about it, I bet they would do anything to get this title no matter the cost.

Moving on to the next thing, it was about my subclass, True Alchemist.

Just like I said before, this class was very special and I doubted whether there would be another person who would get this class. Even back in the game I couldn't find anyone other than me who had this class.

In truth, getting this class was due to my good luck.

Some of you might be thinking that I was joking, but, no, I wasn't joking at all. I really got it by sheer good luck.

Let me told you what happened back then. It was a year after N.W.O. trapped its players and also a month after my last party disbanded.

At that time, after a long chain quest, I got a hold of a secret information from a hidden NPC in the city, telling me about a hidden ancient ruin somewhere in the north of the city where I was staying at.

When I explored the place, a special boss who wandered the ruin suddenly appeared right in the corner in front of me.

I, who was at the time only at level 35, met the big boss of the ruin that had 20 levels more than me, instinctively moved my feet to the opposite direction and ran away like a sprinter, escaping as fast as I could from the boss.

Unfortunately, the boss had seen me before I was out of his agro range, hence I was chased by the boss. Back then, I was in a complete panic mode and didn't care where I was escaping to, as long as I could shake away the pursuer behind me.

After who knew how long, I found a small crack on a wall of a building somewhere in the ruin that had enough space for an adult to pass through, so without much consideration, I immediately slipped into that crack.

The boss's size was triple that of mine, so it couldn't do anything but kept bashing the wall, trying to destroy it.

Although it kept bashing the wall, it barely managed to make a dent on the surface of the wall. It seemed the wall was made from very sturdy material and was quite durable, and thanks to it, I managed to get some precious time to get as far as possible from that dangerous place.

However, due to my panic earlier, I found myself lost inside the ruin. I tried to look for a landmark that I recognized, but it was useless.

Moreover, I didn't know since when, but the monsters on the surrounding area suddenly had become more powerful. It seemed I unknowingly had proceeded far deep into the ruin.

After that I spent a week wandering around aimlessly, looking for an exit, and in the process of that, I obtained the tome for True Alchemist class in a house. It was a normal two story house with no apparent characteristic that stood out from the other houses nearby.

If not for avoiding the roaming monster, I wouldn't have thought to search in such a normal looking house in the first place. This kind of house was very common in the ruin, just by walking for a few minutes, I could find a dozen of them easily.

The tome was the only valuable loot I got after wandering for so long, but in the end I couldn't find any exit and unluckily met the wandering boss again, and was killed by it.

That was my first death I experienced in N.W.O. A tragic one if I said so myself. Later on, when my level was almost reached the limut, I tried to find that ruin to explore it once again, but there was no sign of it anywhere, as if it didn't exist in the first place.

This subclass of mine was also the reason why I became so powerfull. True Alchemist coupled with Arcane Gunner, the former created the strongest guns and equipments, meanwhile the latter was the best class for magic gunner.

I wondered how powerful I could become after the new god rewarded me with full mastery of all the categories branched from True Alchemist. After all, previously in the game, I didn't have enough time to master other categories other than blacksmithing and engineering, in which in my opinion was the greatest aid to me to become a strong player by creating many incredible guns and equipments.

Anyway, that was enough for the subclass, the next one was the status.

Well, there was no need for me to explain it in detail, right? Strength, constitution, and agility had litteral meaning to it, meanwhile spirit affected a person mind and soul, which also had the same function as mana. Just like in the game, where if your spirit was low, than you wouldn't be able to cast any spell at all.

The special one was the insight status, it affected various elements from comprehension, sixth sense or intuition, improving rational and logical thinking, and all other things related to those stuffs.

Hmm, it seemed there was nothing else I could do with the interface, I tried various commands that I used in the game, but no reaction found nor other option available for me to select.

Closing the interface with a single thought, I shifted back my attention to the plain looking white mannequin in front of me.

A support character AI huh.....talking about this item, I should mention the newbie days of the players in N.W.O.

At some point in the beginning of the game, this item had become the most popular and sought after by the players, regardless whether their class were related to combat or craft.

You could say this item was an essential item to survive at the beginning of our entrapment in the game. This was due to the nature of the support character AI was to support and protect its owner no matter what happened.

For the clumsy and unsightly display of combat arts by the new players, who weren't used nor had experienced a real fight before, and also who once had comfortable and pretty good life in the city, where you didn't have to struggle to survive, being trapped in a deadly game where combat was a daily routine, and you had to be strong enough to protect yourself, was quite the challenge.

Hence, the existence of this item was a blessing for those players.

Although these support characters were capped at level 20 and couldn't be level up no matter what, but it was sufficient to buy the new players enough time to get used to their new lives in N.W.O.

The biggest advantage of them were the ability to be resurrected indefinitely as long as their owner had the money to do so. Just took their dead body or a small part of it to the church, and then paid the bishop there to resurrect the dead support character.

A pity they became obsolete after most players exceeded their support characters level, bringing them to grind wouldn't help much, and most of the time they became a burden for their owner. That was why, later on, the players left them at home, and became a servant or attended the store their owner's own.

However, this ultimate support character of mine didn't have that short coming and could grow stronger alongside me, that was, if the description before was true,and it hadn't be tampered by the new god.

After all I didn't know what kind of improvement the new god had given to it. though I had an inkling that what he did was as exaggerate as he had done to my subclass.

Well, I would find out about it soon enough.

Reaching my hand forward, I touched the forehead of the mannequin and commanded inside of me to use it. in less than a second, a new interface appeared in my mind once again, but this time it was relatively have been more complex than the one before.

On the left side of the interface was a display of three dimensional picture of a white mannequin, along with some kind of parameters and numbers on the left corner of the picture.

I actually didn't really know what those parameters and numbers were about, but it might be due to some sort of information had been inserted into my mind when I used the mannequin, somehow, I understood those were for the support character body creation.

I didn't have to use these parameters manually, it had been simplified for the ease of the user. What I should do was just to imagine it and it would automatically adjusted the character image by itself.

Meanwhile, On the right side of the interface was a normal character status just like mine, but with two additional colums below it that had the head titles of personality and background.

Hmm… how should I design my support character?

Let's see… I didn't want it to be a man… so it should be a female, age was the same as me, 22 years old, had long black hair that reached her waist, sky blue eyes, fair skin, 175 cm, an hourglass figure, plus D cup chest, and lastly a beautiful face but not too unrealisticly beautiful, or else it would be too scary to walked around her. I meant scary in various ways….

For instance, if I made her too beautiful, I was afraid that a lot of single dogs would came and murder me for getting too close to her because of jealousy.

That would be a big tragedy for the poor me.

Inspecting my own ideal woman… yeah, I admitted she was my perfect woman, I nodded in satisfaction.

The next thing was to give her a name… Hmm, I also should give her my family name while I was at it…. How about Lily, Lily Holmes? An easy to pronounce name and simple to remember.

After deciding her name, I turned my sight to the class and stats below the name column, unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to them, but to just skim quickly through it.

This might be due to it could grow along with me, but her stats weren't really different from mine, all of them were at level E.

My gaze then reached to the two last columns, personality and background.

Without much thought I inserted the best personality I could think of, kind, gentle, calm, charismatic, strong will, loyal, friendly, and wise.

As for the background, because I was too lazy to think of one, I used the background story from one of the heroines from the webnovel I was following.

Of course, I didn't copy it entirely, but I made some adjustment here and there and changed the name of the heroine to Lily and the mc to mine.

after finishing the background, I used some times to checked out my handywork and looked if there was any mistake or not.

Satisfied with the result, with confident I confirmed the complete tab on the interface. And with a blinding light, my vision suddenly turned white and the next thing I remembered was my consciousness fading away.