My Wife?

Chapter 8 : My Wife?

When I regained my consciousness, the first thing that welcomed me was a gentle and warm smile from a beautiful young lady.

That blinding smile of her that could compare to an angel, made my fuzzy mind, in which due to me just awoken, hadn't completely functional yet, to involuntarily halt for a few seconds.

A moment after that, my mind once again began to work normally. Her beautiful appearance seemed to be familiar to me, so I kept digging my memories, trying to remember where did I see the girl in front of me before.

Slowly inside my mind, the image of a 3D picture of a girl appeared, from a blur image, it gradually became more clearer and clearer as time passed, until it reached the point where it was hard to distinguish the picture from a real person.

Upon remembering the image of that girl, a sudden jolt of lightning struck my stupefied mind, and I quickly realized who was the girl in front of me was.

I really would have had face palmed myself if it wasn't for my good self control, how could I have forgotten about the beauty in front of me. Didn't I see her picture before I was knock out cold?.

My eyes widened in surprise as I began to observe her more closely. Although I had seen her 3D picture before and knew very well she was beautiful, but to see her in flesh really amazed me.

Moreover, she was so close, sitting calmly next to me, and just by reaching my hand to her direction,without a doubt I could touch her flawless, fair and soft looking skin directly. Somehow, all of this made me had a surreal feeling to it.

When I was observing her, our eyes coincidentally met and we stared at each others for half a minute, before I break the ice by forcing myself to open my mouth and asked her, with a small and uncertain tone of voice. "Lily?... Are you really Lily?".

Although my mind telling me that she was really my support character AI, but still, in my heart a small lingering doubt existed. And I thought it wasn't really wrong for me to confirm it by asking her. After all no one would lost anything by answering such a simple inquiry.

It was also to avoid embarrassing myself in front of a beauty, just in case I mistook her for another girl.

As a man, I couldn't tolerate such a mistake, that would become a stain of my life. Hence no matter what, I had to avoid such an outcome.

Upon hearing my sudden inquiry, her expression turned into a concern one, and then she outstretched her hand, putting the back of her hand onto my forehead, as though she was measuring my temperature. "Are you okay David? Do you feel sick or pain anywhere?".

As her soothing hand touched my skin, my body suddenly frozen stiff. My brain was on full throttle, looking for an answer as to why she was so intimate with me.

Her gesture, manner, and her concern was so obvious that anyone who saw it would think we were very close, and had known each others for a long time.

But there was a big problem with that pleasant and heart warming scene, where a beautiful girl caring for a young man, just like a drama from television series, made me feel like something was stuck in my throat and I couldn't get rid of it.

Why? Of course, there was no way for a girl who I just met less than a minute ago to act so intimately like this. that was even if she was my support character AI, which supposed to have the nature to support and protect its owner.

Before I could come up with a good answer to the puzzling situation I was in, on the corner of my vision, on the wall right behind the girl, I found a big frame picture of a couple in their wedding attires, etched on the most conspicuous location. as if to show everyone who entered the room its magnificent.

What made my eyes almost popped out of their sockets was the fact that the couple on the picture were me and Lily. It depicted our happiness of our wedding. With both of our hands entwined together and blissful smiles bloomed on our faces.

I almost screamed and jumped in shock when I saw the picture, but Lily's hand that was still on my forehead made me suppressed that impulse, or else I might scared her.

Suddenly, a strong headache came crashing on my head which almost made me faint once again. Luckyly, it didn't really happen, it only caused me to grimaceand groan in pain.

As I bear the pain, a sudden flow of new memories entered my mind. It was memories of the other me. From his childhood days with Lily, up to the day of their… No, it should be our wedding day, or yesterday to be exactly.

These new memories began to integrate themselves into my old memories. It then gradually becoming one, creating a complete new life story of mine.

After awhile, the headache slightly reduced, letting me to have some spare energy to ponder what just happened.

While I was massaging my head to aliviate some of the pain, Lily who was still on my side, removed her hand from my forehead, and briskly walked to a small coffee table, where I could see there were a glass of water and a few pills on top of it.

Now that she had moved away from in front of me, the surrounding area that was once haff blocked by her figure, was now fully displayed on my eyes.

my room used to be design with the concept of simple and practical in mind. I didn't really like fancy and unpractical stuffs entered my room, it made me look like a wasteful second generation young master. While in fact, my family wasn't that rich to begin with.

However, all of it had changed now. the once medium size bedroom of mine, had turned into a big and luxurious one that most likely could be compared to a VIP room in five star hotel.

I was lying down on top of a queen size bed in the middle of a big room, approximately around 15 square meters. The room was luxuriously furnished with various top class furnitures and exquisite decorations.

The entire room was covered with a high class blue velvet rug, while the four side of the walls were painted bright orange, and a small chandelier made out of transparent crystal hanging on the ceiling of the room.

On the left side of the bed, where Lily was heading to, I found a small dark red coffee table made out of precious wood, surrounded by three expensive looking white sofas. Two of them were a single type sofas, and the last one was a big one, where three people could sit side by side easily.

Across the biggest sofa was a big LCD television, nailed right into the wall, and a small cupboard was placed under the television. While not too far from them, there were also a mini refrigerator and an air conditioner.

Located on the right side of the sofas, a make shift small office had been erected, using a few tall bookcases that were full with books from various genres as the walls.

Although the books created an obstruction for me to peer into the office, but from the cracks between the books, I could glimpse a computer screen and documents lying on top of a desk.

There was also a mini bar counter located on the top left corner of the bed, on the opposite direction from the small office, with two racks full of various wines and other alcoholic beverages stood behind the counter.

Meanwhile, lined up on the right side of the bed were a few big and small closets, a big dresser with three sided mirrors, two shoe racks full with branded goods, , and many other things that related to clothes and fashion were located there.

On the other hand, right facing the queen size bed, was a row of exquisite glass windows, with white curtains used as a cover from the sunlight, so it wouldn't enter directly into the room.

In the center of the row of windows, stood a transparent sliding door. It might not looked like it, but despite its thin appearance, it was actually made out of a bullet proof material. In fact, all the windows were also made from the same material as the door.

There were also two other doors aside from the one I mentioned before, in which would lead to the bathroom and to the other parts of the house.

Well… I didn't know how should I feel about all of this… should I be happy or sad?

Hmm? Did you ask why?

That was because the improvement the new god did to the mannequin was more outrageous than what he did to the tome.

You must be wondering what kind of outrageous thing it was, right?.

Alright then, did you remember the support character creation which I went through to create Lily?

In the last part, there was a column for background story for support character. Back then due to my lazyness, I used the background story from a heroine of a certain webnovel. Though I didn't copy the entire thing, and made some adjustment here and there.

You see,back then I thought that was just a flavor text to make the character more colourfull, so I didn't really think too much of it.

However, it seemed I had made a mistake, a big one at that.

That background story wasn't just for a show, it really altered the reality to incorporate and adjust the story, so that a person, Lily Holmes, was really exist in this world since the beginning.

Her parents, date of birth, childhood time, friends, hobbies, and everything else could be track down with many evidences to prove it.

I couldn't believe the new god went as far as to alter reality just to reward me… He favored me too much. Somehow, It felt as if he expected something big from me. It made me very uncomfortable.

All of you must be curious what kind of background story I inputted. To be honest, I was too lazy to tell you in full detail, so I would cut it short.

It was your stereotypical heroine of a super talented young lady from a super rich family, who was a childhood friend with the mc. When they were young, the mc saved the heroine and from that day onward, the heroine fall in love with the mc.

because the mc's parents and the heroine's parents were best friends from high school day, to express their gratitude for saving their only daughter, the heroine's parents suggested to engage the mc and the heroine.

No one had any objection to that proposal. The heroine even became more happier and kept clinging on to the mc.

So the end story was, the mc grew up together with the heroine until they got married.

Now, you understood how complicated my feelings right now…

I didn't know how should I face Lily, the one supposed to be my new wife.

Although I had new memories integrated into me, that didn't mean my old memories were all gone and replaced by the new one. I still remembered all the things that happened before it.

So, naturally I was able to differentiate the two memories easily.

If only my old memories were really replace, I wouldn't have to face such a dilemma.

While I was trying to settle my feeling, Lily came back with the water and pills in her hands. She then gave me the pills and gestured to me to swallow them.

I didn't refuse her and took the pills from her hand, and with a swift motion, threw them instantly into my mouth.

Even for me, it was hard to swallow a bitter pill without any water, so before she could offer the water, I already stretched my hand to the glass of water in her other hand, and gulped it down to the last drop.

Still with a grimace on my face, I gave the empty glass back to her and said my gratitude. "Thanks, that's help a lot".

She heaved a sigh and with an admonishing look, started to lecture me. "That was why I warned you to drink less last night. See what happen to you now?".

Before I could give a respond, she continue her lecture.

"I know yesterday was a joyous occasion, so I didn't stop you from drinking, but it didn't mean you could drink like a fish. What you drink was alcohol and not mineral water from the convenient store".

Uhh… what kind of situation was I in right now?

Let's see…. According to the new memories I got, yesterday was our long awaited wedding day. It was held in the five star hotel that was own personally by Lily, located near the city center.

A lot of my friends came to congratulate me and as a good host, I kept all of them company until daybreak, drinking to the point where all of us had to be carried back home.

In that case, the headache I felt was due to hangover? What a good excuse…

Although I could smell alcohol on my body, I was completely certain I wasn't drunk one bit.

Whatever, it didn't really matter to me what kind of excuse was used to explain the headache I got.

From Lily's action up till now, I concluded that she didn't know her real identity.

Well, even if I told her, I doubted she would believe me, or worst, she might even call a mental hospital for me.

Before she could continue her tirade of sermons, I raised both my hands in surrender. "Okay okay, I wont do it again. I promise".

Although she looked unconvinced, she still nodded her head. "Good, there wont be any next time, do you hear me?".

Hey, why was she so strict? I was very sure I didn't include that trait on her personality column.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I then tried to look for my handphone, but I couldn't find even its shadow anywhere. After searching for awhile, I gave up And directly asked Lily. "What time is it?".

Tilting her head to the side, she answered promptly. "It's half pass three in the afternoon, why?".

I blinked a few time and aske her in confirmation. "Half pass three in the afternoon? That means it has been more than an hour since PRW was launched, no?".

Lily looked a bit startled at my inquiry and asked me back in curiosity. "Oh? So you knows about it too. Did you awake when the interface appeared?".

I mechanically nodded and replied a bit hesitantly. "Uhh, yeah, it suddenly appeared out of nowhere, so I was startled by it. is there any new news regarding it?".

Thankfully she didn't seem to notice my strange reaction, because she immediately responded. "sadly no. according to a few sources I know of, even the government have no clue whatsoever. But I have something else that may interest you".

I perked my ears in attention. "Oh? What is it?".

"just half an hour ago, countless blue sphere appeared all over the world, and from various eyewitnesses, it seems that blue sphere is the same as the one found in the dream world. unfortunately, no one can get close to it, there seems to be some sort of barrier that prevents anyone from approaching it".