The Blue Sphere

While Lily was telling me the news of the sphere, I moved my stiff body out of the bed, but as I was about to stand up, I found my stomach felt empty.

Thinking back at last night party, I finally remembered I hadn't any chance to eat anything that really filled my stomach.

Those rowdy bunch of friends of mine kept offering drinks one after another, preventing me from eating a proper meal. So I had to be satisfied by just eating the side dishes that came with the alcohol.

I looked at the refrigerator located not too far from the television. There should be something I could eat stored in it.

While moving to get some food from inside the refrigerator, I continued the conversation with Lily. "That blue sphere, is it also present in our city?"

Lily who was following me from behind, answered casually. "Yes, in fact quite a few of them. Their location are very random, for examples, in the park, parking lot, stadium, and a few other locations".

Opening the refrigerator, inside, I saw many cold beverages, a few type of fruits, and also various snacks. Taking the snacks out, I brought them to the coffee table and sat on the sofa in front of it.

Lily also followed my suit, but she didn't take the snacks, she chosed a cold cola, and sat next to me.

While I munched on my snack, she continued.

"However, they have two things in common. The first one is that they only appears near human settlement, whether it was a big city, or a rural village deep in the mountain with only a few families lives in it.

She paused for a second to open the cap of the cola in her hand, and after successfully doing so, she continued. "the second one is that, all the location the blue spheres choose are all very spacious, the smallest one can held at least thousand of people inside of it".

After she took a sip of her cola, she added some more detail to her explanation. "Moreover, according to the investigation of the government, if more than one blue sphere appeared in a human settlement, they would appear some distance away from each others, at least 10 km or so".

Throwing my second and third snacks with a quick succession into my mouth, I asked her the question that suddenly popped out of my mind. "Is there any blue sphere near our house?"

When I asked her that question,her calm countenance became a bit bizarre and she looked at me with perplexing gaze, as though she wanted to tell me about something, but in the end she decided not to do so. In return, she asked me back with her own question. "Do you want to have a look at it?".

from her sudden changed in countenance, I instantly knew something must have happened, but by the look of it, it didn't really have negative effect for us. If it was, then she wouldn't have chatted calmly with me and already went to take care of it. so I nodded with eyes full of curiosity. "Yeah, that's my plan. So, is it near our house?".

She once again didn't answer, but pointed to the snacks on the coffee table and calmly said. "Finish it first, I will take you to see the blue sphere after that".

I followed her instruction and in less than a minute, only a few clean plates left on the coffee table. as I was munching on the last snack, Lily also was about to finish her cola.

After putting down her empty cola on the coffee table, she stood up and gestured to me to follow her.

Exiting the bedroom, we arrived at a long corridor that was covered by long red carpet,and along the wayI could see many exquisite potted plants and various paintings of magnificent sceneries. I also found a few other doors that had the same look as my bedroom door lined up in a fix interval on the two side of the walls.

According to my new memories, my family situation had turned for the better since I saved Lily back when we were little.

Although I didn't really know what her parents jobs were, and I was pretty sure she herselfwas also as cluless as me, however, the fact thatLily's family was a super tycoon from business world was undoubtedly true, and wasn't just an exaggeration.

From what Lily told me, they had many industries under their flag, from agriculture,construction, fishery, ranchs, electronics, mining, software and hardware manufacturing, and many other industries. Of course, those were only their surface businesses, not counting the hidden ones.

When I heard all of that, I almost fainted on the spot. Their scale of wealth had surpassed my wildest imagination, to the point of being terrifying.

What I meant before by being turned for the better, it wasn't due to my family received monetary helped from her family. In fact, that was what her family wanted to do, but my parents rejected that notion instantly.

There was nothing they could do about it. in the first place, my parent's didn't lack any money, in fact, they earned more than enough to live a good, but not too extravagant life.

Moreover, my parents weren't greedy people who persued wealth or fame. What they wanted was a comfortable life with no worries for their basic needs, and some money to enjoy their holidays and weekends.

So Lily's family had no other way but to pull some strings to help the food company where my parents worked at, indirectly giving good projects, introducing new customers, and also many reliable partners.

Of course, as to not make them suspicious, those were done secretly and gradually, taking more than a decade to achieve the intended result.

As for now, dad no longer a director of the food company, but its CEO, and mom was still dad's secretary. Also, the food company had become one of the major players in food industry in Terran Republic.

As a result, I had become a bonafide second generation young master from rich family.

And as usual, the source of this information was from Lily, and my parents still unaware of this secret. I also had no intention to tell them about it, nothing good would happen even if I told them.

Walking side by side, Lily brought me to the first floor using an elevator, and as soon as we left the elevator, she led me straight away to the back of the mansion.

Yes, a mansion, you hadn't heard it wrongly.

We had left our old house for years now. It was when I was about to enter high school, due to the food company headquarter where my father just became its CEO, had to be relocated because it was too small and unable to contain more employees, all of us also had to move, or else it would take my parents hours to arrived at their company new headquarter

So, my parents bought this huge 4 stories mansion located at an upscale residential area near their company. It only around 20 minutes drive from the mansion to their company new headquarter.

The mansion boasted a wide area of more than 1.5 square kilometers, with a four story main building where our family stay, two side buildings each for the servants and security dormitories, a front garden where various beautiful flowers, precious trees, and a wonderful fountain, were arranged meticulously creating a natural but magnificent scenery.

Meanwhile, on the back of the mansion, where Lily and I were heading to, had a small forest area with a man made lake at its center. There were also small paved tracks winding around the forest and the lake side, where people usually used for jogging or just strolling around, enjoying the scenery wile relaxing.

using the track I mentioned before, we entered the small forest and began trailing it deep into the forest. As we walked, sometimes, I could seea rabit nibbling the grass near the track, or jumping from bushes to bushes, as if playing hide and seek.

There were also birds from various species parched on the branches of the trees, sometime alone, sometime in pair, and other time in a group of three or more. They were playing and chirping around happily.

Although this forest was artificially made, it didn't mean there was no other living beings inside other than plants. In fact, there were a lot of small and medium size animals freely wandering in it. in addition, due to safety issue, any dangerous carnivores were prohibited to live here, so the lack of them made the other animals less vigilant, as a result, it was easy to approach them.

To prevent these animals from wandering near the mansion, as to not destroy the garden that was painstakingly cultivated by the gardeners, a fence had been erected, separating the mansion and the forest area.

It took us 15 minutes to reached our destination, the lake side.

From the beginning when she brought me to the back of the mansion,I had guessed the blue sphere she mentioned would be somewhere in the forest. And as I thought, it really was.

Approximately 4 to 5 meter away from the lake's edge, and around 1.5 meter above the ground, a blue sphere was hovering silently in the air. Also, although its size was around a meter in diameter, the strong winds that were occasionally passing through, weren't able to moved it even by an inch.

The blue sphere was surrounded by four tough looking men in black suit. They seemed to be the security guards that were responsible for the sphere.

When we got close to them, one of the security guard gave a ninety degree bow to the two of us, and without saying anything, moved to the side, creating a path for us to move onward.

Hmm, wasn't its size different from the one found in the dream world?

If I remembered correctly, according to mom's story, it should have been 3 meters in diameters, but this one only a meter. Was it really the same sphere? A doubt started to sprout inside my mind.

however, before I could ask about it, with light steps, Lily already moved forward and began to approach the floating sphere. Upon seeing her action, I had no other option but to follow her from behind.

But around 2 meters before the sphere, our steps suddenly halted by some kind of energy that form a protective curtain. Somehow, it gave the feeling of entering a thin layer of bubble that had the same property as a rubber. The closer we were to the sphere, the greater resistance it gave.

And whoever unable to resist it, the protective curtain would rebound back the entire force it had accumulated at once to the person who had entered its boundary. And if not carefull, it could hurt someone badly.

Lily and I understood this immediately, hence, we stepped back at once.

As we observed the sphere closely, I remembered the doubt I had before and asked her about it. "Is this really the same sphere from the dream world? if so, why is it this one so small?".

She shook her head and replied. "I don't know. Just before you woke up, I received a message from the head security, informing me about the appearance of this sphere. He said it suddenly appeared in the surveillance camera near the lake".

she then pointed to a tree on the right side of the lake, although I couldn't see what she was pointing at, but I could infer from her explanation that it should be where the surveillance camera was.

After that she fished out a red handphone from her pocket, followed by her slender fingers dancing on the keypads of the handphone. A moment later, she handed me her handphone, gesturing to me to look at it, and continued speaking. "This sphere seems to be an exception. The other spheres in the city all have the same size as the one from the dream world".

When I look at the screen of the handphone, I saw a picture of a big blue sphere surrounded by the police. It seemed the authority had moved to safe guard the location where the sphere had appeared.

After confirming the validity of what she had told me, I returned back her handphone.

hey, why didn't I use the method of checking items from N.W.O?

didn't I use it previously to check my own status? It also should have worked the same with this sphere.

Without a second thought, I lifted my hand and touched the protective screen of the blue sphere, and inside of me wished it to display its information.

As soon as I wished it, an interface popped out inside my mind.

Mobile Blue Gate

Description :

Blue Gate is a special network created by the new god, to aid the new earth inhabitant so that they can more easily adapt to their new environment.

Functions : Store, auction house, forums, information center, party creation/disbandment, etc.

Note :

This mobile blue gate is awarded to the first inhabitant of new earth who had earned the title of "First Class".

Cannot be traded.

Bound to David Holmes.

Can be moved once a week.