Chapter 35 Taking Command

(Erik POV 6:00 AM)

Sigh, well let's get started. I used the whole night to plant a few explosives without getting detected by the gremlins, luckily I "borrowed" some of Derek's toys. The sun is about to come up, now or never buddy. Looking over the gremlin camp I squeezed the trigger on the detonator.



Huh, why isn't any thing goin…




Ah, there we go, now I just run threw the crowd of burning, screaming gremlins. Easy right?

I sprinted low to try and stay undetected as long as possible, with all the commotion from the explosives I was able to run within five hundred meters of the fence before they started to catch on. Once one of the smarter leaders found me rushing through the yellow tide it screeched out orders to the panicking gremlins. With the scared and angry gremlins given a target they started to converge on my location.

Well that was nice while it lasted. I take out my knives and start cutting out a path through the angry little yellow men.

Let me out.

Great, now's not a great time, please try again later.

Let. Me. OUT.

UGH. Bastard is getting pushy, almost took a club to the head there. Really need to get my problem fixed. There has to be something in the evo shop.

Ok three hundred meters, two hundred fifty, two hundred, almost there. I take another stride and feel the ground start to give way.

Shit, a pitfall. Need to move it or imma gonna lose it.

I push off with everything I have and barely make it to the other side of the three meter pitfall, If this was before our world changed that trap would have had me. Ok, let's not stop now. If I get surrounded and stopped I'm done for.

Continuing my journey I start to hear shouts from inside the fenced walls. Hopefully they can start giving me some coverfire soon. Ok, one hundred meters. Time to unleash the second set of toys. I squeeze the second trigger in my pocket and this time without delay I can hear and fell the disaster I caused behind me.

Piff, you looked so lame right there.

Ah, just shut up.

I made it to the fence and jumped over the six meter fence easily. I go into a roll on the other side and come up to being surrounded by guns. I slowly reach up and take off my hood. Once they saw I was human they had both relieved and confused confused expressions on their faces. Suddenly a man stepped forward from behind the men with guns.

"How is it you? Why are you hear!"

I stand up and coldly look at the man in front of me. He was only about 165 centimeters tall and had a very average build leaning towards pudgy. He had a head of curly brown hair and trimmed facial hair. Altogether he could barely pass as good looking but not enough to cause a stir. His name is Eli Jenson and is the person I most want to kill in the world and at the same time can't.

"Doesn't matter, where is she?"

Brushing off his question and mentioning her seemed to trigger his anger and his face slowly turned red. By now the guards started to lower their weapons.

"Wait what are you all doing?! Take him into custody, that's an order!"

The guards seemed confused but still raised their weapons back up. The leader came forth.

"I'm sorry sir but I need you to come with us and to remove any weapons you have on your person."

I started to laugh and everyone tensed up, looking like they were starting to get an ichy trigger finger.

"What rank are you soldier?"

The man seemed surprised by my question but immediately answered with "Sergeant Sir.".

"Good, I am Command Sergeant Major Erik Nespolon of the special urban tactical squad stationed in Windsor. I will now be taking command of this base under the authority that our great country has invested in me."

Shock spreads over the faces of the surrounding men, Eli goes pale.

"He's lying! He must be, don't listen to him."

Eli has always had great authority over the military because his father is a Staff Sergeant. Now that his authority is being questioned it don't look like he is handling it well.

I reach into my back pocket slowly and grab my issued ID from the government. I open the ID and give it to the Sergeant in command. Once he confirms my identity he hands me back my ID and salutes. The rest quickly lower their weapons and follow suit.

"AT EASE, what is the sitrep."

"We have enough supplies for another week but our ammo won't last that long. The gremlins are estimated to be numbered at around six thousand. We have about four hundred men ready to fight and about a thousand civilians being taken care of."

"Ok, bring me t the war room and get me a list of our weapons and supplies."

"Understood Sir."

"Now tell me where can I find Cassidy Night?"

"She should be at the first aid center sir, we are understaffed in medics. She is one of the volunteers."

I dismiss them. The guards go back to the wall and start spreading the word that a new guy was calling the shots. Meanwhile I started to search for the first aid area. It wasn't hard with the large amount of injured people they had to set up behind the building with tents and cots. Even from a distance I could see her moving from one patient to the next. She looked exhausted, I wonder if she got any sleep last night.

"Wait! You can't see her, I won't allow it!"

I turn around and see Eli coming towards me.

Let me out Erik, I want to turn him into mincemeat.

As nice as that sounds we can't.

I grin as he comes towards me and patiently wait until he is about two meters away before throwing a punch into his gut that knocks the air from his lungs. He kneels on the ground gasping for air while holding his stomach.

"Don't speak unless spoken to Private Jenson, next time it won't end with one punch."

He tries to speak out but can only gasp for air, his face is a mixture of white, red, black. Looking both scared and furious at the same time. I would be lying if I said I wasn't amused.

Cassidy seems to have noticed the commotion and started to run over. Once she arrived and sees Eli on the ground she glares at me. She raises her hand and slaps me. After a crisp sound rings out I wrap my arms around her and laugh.

"Missed you to Cass."