Chapter 36 Anger

(Erik POV)

"I missed you to Cass."

She don't resist the hug but don't hug me back.

"Why didn't you write when you were away? Did you find someone."

"Never, just say the word and I am yours. Same as before and it will never change."

"But will never happen, please let me go Erik."

"Why, things are different now. Where is your little sister, I'll protect the both of you. Eli can't do anything in a world like this, don't be tied down by this trash."

"Erik, let me go."

Sigh, I let her out of my arms and she backs away. Eli seemed to have gotten off the ground and goes to punch me from behind.


I dodge slightly and grab his arm and executed a shoulder throw causing him to hit the ground with his back and be winded for the second time.

"Explain, you have never loved him. Why won't you simply say the words so that I can take you away from him."

Cassidy has always wanted to help people and entered medical school on a scholarship program. Her future was supposed to be bright but her father went into debt. Faced with the situation of her family about to lose everything Eli showed up. In exchange for clearing all her father's debt, taking care of her school fees, and helping her father she had to sign a contract to marry him. She didn't have much choice and I was in no position to help. Once she signed that contract her fate was sealed legally. Feeling powerless I joined the military and ended up where I am now. Her father died not long after and her mother died when she was little, It was just her and her sister left.

"You left Erik."

"I'm right here aren't I."

"It's too late, he has already held his side of the deal. I need to up hold my own. Thank you for coming but I made a mistake when I was afraid. Go back and save yourself, please take Jade with you."

Eli starts laughing on the ground once he heard her words. With a smug expression on his face he walks behind Cassidy.




UGH, cough cough.

Cassidy sees me coughing blood and knows what's happening and her face pales a little and starts to be on guard. Seeing her reaction Eli is puzzled.

"Stay quite Eli. Please, just stop or he will kill you."

Hearing her words and the fear on her face Eli stays silent and has a fearful look on his face as he starts to feel the murderous intent leaking from my body.


ROAR, how long will you keep up this charade Erik. You want to let me out. Just say you couldn't control me, make me the bad guy. JUST LET ME KILL HIM.

I spit out the rest of the blood in my mouth and walk away. I need to calm down and wouldn't be able to if I keep seeing him so close to her.

I walk around and find the war room. The local map is laid out on the table with markings describing our location and the surroundings. Next the list of supplies, weapons, ammo and even survivors are given to me. I start reading everything and take notes on the things I find important. Slowly build a picture inside my head and start going through possible scenarios.

One by one I form a plan and dismiss it after it fails my scenarios. I do this for hours as things start to piece together into a viable plan. Around three in the afternoon a girl walks into the room wearing a private uniform carrying a tray of food. I didn't notice at first until she called out my name.

"Erik, it's really you."


I look at the private seriously for the first time. Shiny strawberry blond hair tied into a ponytail that goes halfway down her back. Bright green eyes and a healthy tanned skin color.

"Jade? I didn't recognise you. The last time I saw you, you were still so little. When did you grow up? Why are you in a private uniform?"

"Who's fault is it that you haven't seen me in what seven years? I enlisted two years ago once I graduated high school. Now that you're here have you seen my big sister yet?"

"Yes, I saw her when I first got here. Jade, what happened to her? She seems to have a need to protect Eli."

"After this all went down the military was in shambles. Diserters escaped to help their families and communications were pretty much useless. Eli's dad took charge of the situation. He wound up the families of the soldiers to protect them and use them as motivation to follow orders. My sister is one of the best doctors there is and he knew it. There is a type of contract in the evo store that once the person signs it they must follow the terms or be punished by the system. Eli and his dad forced Cass to sign it stating that she will marry Eli or else her nanobots will destroy themselves. That would not only damage her body but it would also make it that much harder to survive in this world. She won't tell you this because one of the terms was that Eli can't die because of her or else she will still be punished."

I stare blankly at Jade as fire slowly starts to creep through my veins. I open up the store and start to go through the solutions page. I find what I'm looking for after a few hurried minutes.

Overall recovery solution and body improver: This solution will recover anything under the level of destroyed organs or severed limbs. It will also help the body become better at circulating and gathering energy, improving both the endocrine system and the circulation system.

Cost: 10000 Evo points

After killing so many gnolls and gremlins I barely have over ten thousand evo points but that's fine. I buy the solution right away. When the light flashes and the vial appears I grab it. Jade is staring wide eyed at the whole process. I had her the vial.

"Follow me, when I'm finished give your sister the vial to drink. You might need to help her."

"What are you about to do?"

"What else, kill Eli and anyone that stands in my way."

The fire finally erodes the last of my hesitation and I stride out of the office looking for my target. My vision started turning red and I could hear him howling in joy.

Let me out Erik, I want to be the one that kills him.

Fine Wolf, you have waited long enough. Just wait until after I cripple him, than you can finish it.

Ok, I will give you that pleasure. It's always nice getting you to agree with me.

Shut up you crazy bastard, we have a task to do.

I agree let's take out the trash before you try to rescue this base of pitiful weaklings.

Storming through the base I caught a few peoples attention and some started to follow me. I Finally find Eli and Cassidy in the first aid, Eli is still getting treated from the looks of it. Seeing the red eyes with tears still yet to dry and the palm mark on her face the final barrier collapses.