Chapter 53

Heading downstairs with Max Hunter's stomach demanded he stop by the kitchen on his way out, luckily there was some leftovers from lunch. Grabbing a quick bite he was dragged outside by Max. Right away Hunter could see the large group of Ratmen just a hundred meters away from the front door. 

The largest one was in front and as soon as Hunter left the house it started to wave at him. This scene of a large hulking ratman waving cutely at him quickly left chills running down his back and a slight urge to vomit. Suppressing this urge he started to walk forward and the leading ratman did the same. Getting a good look at him the ratman was around seven feet tall and easily three hundred pounds. Switch black patchy fur covering its bits and red squinty eyes.

When they were about ten meters or so away from each other they stopped in place. Hunter wasn't too worried, he could tell the ratman was probably a tier 2 but on the weaker side. Finally the ratman spoke.

"Str..strong one, thisss one one brings squeak from smart wise ones. Thisss."

Before it could finish its next broken sentence a small figure on its left shoulder appeared and smacked across the head, quickly followed by a different figure on it's right shoulder doing the same. Right after a high pitched voice called out from it's right shoulder.

"Shut up you idiot, did we not tell you to practice talking without sounding like a moron."

Then from the ratman's left.

"Sigh, we are truly sorry you had to listen to that terrible voice and grammar. We hope we didn't offend you because we truly thought he finally stopped sounding like an idiot."

The figures finally came I to clear view, two small white rats standing on either shoulder taking a small bow. 

This was incredibly cute because the white rats were still normal size but spoke and acted like gentlemen. This gap created a picture that had Hunter suppressing the urge to walk over pat their heads and give them some cheese. All he could do was nod his head while trying to keep an emotionless expression. The one on the right continued.

"Would you be so kind as to listen to our request."

"I see no reason not to. If your group doesn't mind staying out here we could take a seat inside?"

They hesitated for a moment before agreeing. Hunter walked over and had them climb into his palms, the large ratman seemed to want to speak but stayed silent from a glare from the two. 

Slowly walking back into the house, he sat down on the couch in the living room placing the two rats on a cushion on top of the table. Before they spoke Frost came out of the kitchen and spotted the rats, she proceeded to ask Hunter.

"You find me a snack?"

This caused the two rats to glare at her but the trembling bodies gave away their fear. 

"Their guest not food for now. Come sit over here."

Hunter patted beside him on the couch but Frost made her way onto his left knee and placed her head against his chest. When the twins finally left the kitchen to find this scene caused them to exchange looks. Then finding their own seats to either side of Hunter. 

Sighing Hunter asked the little rats (or normal sized rats?) to continue. This lead them to first introduce themselves as sheldon on the left and Lilly on the right. They were twins and the leader of their swarm due to their high intelligence. Apparently on the day Hunter killed the goblins off completely large packs of lamia started to cross the bridge from Detroit. While it seems not all could cross due to the tier 3s still being held in their lairs for the time being. This didn't help the ratmen and rats because for one snakes are literally their natural predators. Two lamias as a race are a tier higher in strength. Three they can use some magic like the elves.

This was about when Cassandra left the kitchen, she was more than just a little bit hungrier than the others were. She came into the living room with a confused look. 

"Well ya, most tier 1 races and above can use some type of magic. For example draconians can use strengthening magic or if we awakened our bloodline we can use some of our ancestral elemental magic. Hunter what race of ancient ones did you awaken? I never asked before."

"Huh, oh shadow dragon."

Hunter didn't catch the shock on her face because jasmine on his right was trying to attract his attention. 

"They are cute."

Hunter nodded.

"So, what can I do for your swarm?"

Cutting straight to the point because he had an idea where this was going. 

"We wish to come under your rule in order to gain protection."

This was where Max came into the conversation. 

"Whoa, before we decide anything let's wait for Erik to come back. His group is almost at devonshire so we won't have to wait long. Not to mention most of the people here will be joining up their as well."

Brandon disagreed. 

"He will side with whatever you decide little brother. You just need to take responsibility for you choices."

Max looked towards the normally silent man in shock. 

"The one time you get involved without being asked. Sigh… whatever not my problem then."

Max turned to look at Hunter pondering for a moment before leaving the room. Hunter just shrugged and gave him a condition. 

"We can work something out but you'll be under the sisters here. As long as you can live with that we have a deal."

The light shining from the twin's eyes were all the motivation he needed, they don't really ask for anything and if they want pet rats then why not. 

"We couldn't possibly follow them but be under you?" Sheldon asked timidly. 

Frost merely chuckled. 

"For creatures I consider snacks to be alongside me under my man, puff. Don't make me laugh."

Hunter tapped Frost lightly on the head to quiet her.

"Sorry, that's the only real condition besides the essentials. Such as keeping your swarm from attacking our group and hunting for your own food. We or should I say mostly I will guarantee your safety from the lamia at our base. Still our world is survival of the fittest so you still need to hunt to feed yourselves."

Squeaking amongst themselves for a moment they agreed to Hunters terms and gave their blood to sign the contract with the twins.

"Good now that is out of the wa…."

Before Hunter could finish he was dragged out of the room by the three girls and a blushing Cassandra in tow. Confused the rats asked Brandon the only one left in the room where they went. He thought for a moment before informing the rats that they should just get their swarm moved into the houses without people nearby. He thought it was best not to think too hard about his little brother being dragged towards his bedroom by a group of girls. He just wished Erik would return quickly so he didn't have to deal with anything else. With a long sigh he went to find his cat which was probably bullying something or someone.