Chapter 54

[Warning if your only interested in strictly the story you dont have to read this chapter. there will be some naughty scenes and parental discretion is advised ;) Otherwise enjoy]

Dragged towards his room in a light daze at the hurried actions of his women, he could only shake his head with a light laugh. He stopped allowing them to lead and instead picked Frost up and laughed. This is why he is obsessed with gaining power, how else would a group of beauties be dragging him towards his room to have their way with him. That wasn't his style though, he will always be the one in control. Using impossible strength yet impeccable control allowed him to use his wings to pick up the twins and hold them close as he picked up speed. Cassandra struggled to keep up as she followed.

Finally reaching his room he tossed the twins and Frost onto the bed and turned around. Catching Cassandra by surprise allowing him to capture her easily, this gave his hands and fingers freedom to roam about her body while he captured her tongue with his own. Rough moans leaked from her closed mouth as his touch would send the sensitive places he was exploring into spasms.

The twins tried to join in but before they left the bed he was already in front of them causing Cassandra to fall to her knees without him supporting her. 

He took Jasmine's chin in his right hand and held her face up as he started to explore her mouth with his tongue. Jessica on his left was trapped as he held her pressed against him and moved his hand to travel down her back. Using his fingers to find all the spots that caused her to shiver and turn into putty. Alternating the technique between the two using his new and improved version of the natural aphrodisiac running through his body's blood, fluids and scent.

Their bodies became increasingly sensitive to his touch causing their bodies to tremble with every grazing pass and spasm with every light squeeze. They hungered for his kisses and became intoxicated by his scent that was no longer being held in check. Just as they were on the edge of oblivion he drew back shocking their systems. Desperate they tried to cling onto his form only to be embraced in his wings and have his fingers finally enter their gardens pushing them off the edge in a series of small climaxes that rose and fell with his fingers gentle but strong movements.

He let them go after a few moments of continuous bliss and they fell onto the bed unable to control their still shaking bodies. Wrapped around each other and enjoying themselves. 

Hunter finally set his eyes on Frost who had already undressed, the only one in the room to have done so. The hunger in her eyes seemed to be even a level above the twins, unable to hold herself back any longer caused her to jump at Hunter as if trying to capture prey. He laughed as he caught and restrained her, forcing her to submit before him. His instincts made him only accept submission among his women, he was the alpha they scream and he needed to show them why they followed him in body and soul. 

Pressing her down on the bed using one hand to hold her hands above her head as he admired her flawless skin. It was still scaled but they were so finely interconnected and smooth you would be hard pressed to see it as anything besides white jade. His other hand ran along her body as she struggled a bit trying to be the dominant one, a female snake shouldn't be underestimated. No matter how she tried to get on top of him or roll him over only achieved his smile and more feather like touches that explored this untouched land. 

Frost had tried to please herself in the past, especially with what happened around her between Hunter and the twins. Only her own touch felt nothing like his, she felt herself craving more stronger sensations only to be restrained. She couldn't overpower her master, her owner, her everything. The more she felt the need to make him hers the stronger he restrained her until he finally started to use more strength in his fingers. Pinch here, a grip there, over and over forcefully imprinting his being into her mind as the owner. It took mere moments for the restrained snake to start to accept her position. 

Looking into the now more obedient girl's eyes made Hunter feel a sense of conquest. This feeling was completed by taking her lips with a kiss that started gentle and caring into deep and passionate. Frost's eyes lost focus for a moment as she experienced what the twins had. His tongue bring flavorful saliva and a scent that flooded her nose leading her mind into intoxication. His mere presence made her senses go into overdrive. He broke off the kiss and gave her a few pecks on her neck and collar bone. Enjoying the sight of the roughly breathing girl lead to a moment of appreciation, blush running through her body causing it to lightly turn pink. 

His hand ran across her body from her neck, tracing it almost trying to commit it to memory with just touch. Tracing all the way down to just under her stomach and with a light pinch Frost's eyes regained focus as her body spasmed. The inexperienced girl started to feel sensations that she could never recreate with her own fingers. With Hunter's index finger finally penetrating her she started to feel bliss that threatened to drive her crazy. 

This only became more dangerous as the twins recovered and moved over to help Hunter prepare the girl for her first time. With how large Hunter had become Frost needed to be fully prepared or she might become traumatized by the experience. Taking either side of the still restrained girl they started to lick and play with her pink nipples. Tracing their own fingers across her body sending shivers that added to the pleasure. 

With Hunter enjoying this scene Cassandra with her legs finally stabilized came behind him, pressing her now bare chest against his back as she started to ready his cock with her hands as she nibbled on his neck. After being introduced to foreplay she started to know what to do to please her man. Feeling his cock become stiffer in her hand caused immense joy in the girl. 

Hunter finally had enough he had the twins hold her hands down as he tore his pants off not bothering to be patient. He got off the little girl and used his tongue to taste the now soaking lower lips. Frost wasn't prepared for this and her body started to shake violently as Hunter caused a small orgasm. Feeling she was prepared from the flow of juices she was gushing he backed away. He put Cassandra on her knees and lightly fingered Frost to keep her ready as he had Cassandra lubricate his dick with her tongue running up and down his shaft. 

He grabbed a handful of hair to hold her head up as he used her mouth to get it nice and wet, enjoying the small gagging sounds as he bounced off the back of her throat until she had slobbered all over it. Taking it out of her mouth he caressed her face and kissed her forehead now gentle and caring compared to the dominant and forcefulness just a moment before. 

He placed the head between Frost's legs and rubbed the entrance that was still gushing fluids. He leaned forward and noticed the trace of fear in her eyes and his own softened. He freed her hands and lifted her so that he could sit on the bed. Never having his eyes leave hers as his kissed her and gently lowered her onto his raised dick. Using one hand wrapped around her waist to steady her and the other to spread her wet lips the head started to enter her. For a moment her body rested on it before it finally was allowed a somewhat forceful entrance. She gave a gasp of pain but Hunter kept her lips with his own and deepened the kiss. He was trying to flood her body with the aphrodisiac to help her with the pain.

Slowly half inch at a time he lowered her body as he started to spread her insides apart. It took minutes for her to finally stop not because it was fully inside her but because she had no room left to store it. She could feel the large head resting against the entrance of her tightly shut womb. He finally let go of her lips as drool started to run from the corner of her mouth. She was enraptured by this experience of being fully connected with the man she loved, to no longer be just a pet or false daughter but his mate. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in, her breath tickling his ear as she whispered. 

"Please Hunter, give it to me. Don't hold back. I love you."

His eyes actually shone red for a brief moment before he slightly raised her till his head was at the entrance once more and brought her right back down hitting her womb once more. Her eyes rolled back a little but he didn't stop he could feel her pleasure as her body trembled. He proceeded to start launch a fast stronger attack, not going full out in fear of hurting her. The way he was able to make her body obey him gave him a high feeling and he proceeded to bring her body down harder and harder until finally the twins bit his earlobes. This rushed made him bring Frost down with enough force to finally break into her womb, her whole body stiffened as a wave of pleasure floods her senses and orgasmed hard enough to pass out clamping down on Hunter. This sudden tightness mixed in with a little help from the twins caused him to flood Frost with her first of what will probably be many loads. 

Enjoying the sensation of filling her insides he waits a few moments before lifting her slowly off him and laying her down. She may be out for now but three others are roughly breathing with flushed faces, desire burning in their eyes. 

Hunter can only smile as he starts his duty as their man. It wasn't tell much later into the night where he realized he needed his own place and stronger furniture. In the meantime he just continued to lay down with his girls wrapped around his limbs fully satisfied.