God Of Gators

When G-dog fell over and died the only thing that he could think was.

"Well that was anticlimactic"

And yes, anticlimactic it was, probably the lousiest death of any MC. Actually wait, one time I heard someone died because they weird scared of a tractor or something. That is the lousiest death ever. I just feel bad for that guy, I mean seriously what an idiot.

But that person is not our main character, G-dog is, so let's get back to G-dog shall we.

When G-dog died the first thing he felt was nothing. He didn't fell cold or hot or even an abnormal tugging. Then out of nowhere he heard a voice saying.

"Lime-kun, Lime-kun, your life was not in vain, for I will grant you a new life."

G-dog was confused hearing a voice promising him things when he didn't even nowhere it was coming from. So, G-dog yelled back to the whispering voice.

"Who are you, where are you, and what are you, if you don't tell me I'm just going to go on my merry way."

G-dog felt very smug after saying this for whatever reason. The illogical part about it and what he forgot was that he was dead, 100% cold hard dead. So, G-dog yelling back that he would go on his merry way didn't make a whole lot of sense.

After G-dog yelled out his illogical statement there was a sparkling brilliance in front of him. It looked like glitter was raining from on high, the light appeared from nowhere and when nowhere in the endless blackness were G-dog was at.

There was a loud roaring like a host of glorious alligators welcoming back their king. Finally, after all of the fanfare G-dog saw the silhouette of a fellow brethren, an alligator.

This alligator said with a loud booming voice.


G-dog was stunned for a couple of seconds. He didn't know what to say. Right here there was an alligator screaming of his name like they were brothers from another mother. Maybe they were brothers from another mother, alligator relationships could get pretty convoluted.

G-dog could only just barely respond with.

"Hiiii... Umm so why am I here and ummm who are you?"

The alligator that was yelling didn't say anything for a while, and then he responded with.

"You don't know who I am? Don't all of you Gators worship me were you come from?"

G-dog only responded with.

"No, I don't know who you are, and I only worship my Ululuh."

The other alligator was highly offended with what G-dog said and yelled.

"What the f*** is an Ululuh? Ahhhh you poor uncivilized Gator, I am the "God of Gators" I hale from the realm or what you could call the World of Gators. In the world of Gators, alligators are the dominant species, humans are only used as slaves by us."

G-dogs mind was blown by this. 'humans were only slaves?' that was incredible! G-dog asked.

"So why am I here 'God of Gators'? What do you need or want from me?"

The 'God of Gators' looked at G-dog and said.

"Im here to reincarnate you. I will give you a system, and a cheat, and bla bla bla."

G-dog could only respond with.

"Awesome when do I get reincarnated?"

The God of Gators looked at G-dog with sympathetic eyes and said.

"Right now, BYE!!!"

G-dog was flabbergasted by this and yelled.

"Now, like right now? AHHH Im disappearing, no but I wanted to talk more..."