GG System

When g-dog woke up he was both surprised and horrified. He couldn't help but scream out loud.


G-dogs body was completely different... There was a small child by G-dog that said.

"Lime? Are you ok? when you fell down and started to foam at the mouth 'I thought you were deaaddd.' "

G-dog was confused with this little child and asked.

"My name isn't Lime little girl."

The girls eyes grew large when he said this, she replied back saying.

"Did you just call me LITTLE? Lime I am your MOTHER! You are going to 'get it' tonight."

G-dog was scared with how this little... I mean his mother was acting. G-dog was practically stupefied with how this loli could be his mother. He was also confused with how she was calling him lime, so he asked.

"YOU ARE MY MOTHER??? oh and my name isn't Lime."

The mother (little girl) was practically seething with rage at this point. She also had a look of pity and worry on her face. Limes mom replied.

"I am your mother, gave birth to you after all, your name is Lime silly. How hard did you hit your head Lime. This is tragic, the name your father wanted to give you so badly is now forgotten by you, oh bless his poor soul."

G-dog or I guess you could call him lime now, was a little worried with this revelation. Actually everything about this was worrying. He was no longer an alligator he appeared to be a human or so he thought. He actually couldn't see himself so he wasn't so sure but that is what he guessed. He also came to this conclusion by looking at his "mother", or at least the Pearson who called herself his mother.

Overall Lime was just very confused and felt uncomfortable. He had never been in a human body and it was a strange feeling to say the least. By far the thing he was most upset about would be his tail. he yelled out without thinking.


By this point Limes mother had a couple thoughts running through her mind.

firstly, Lime had forgot a lot of or all of his memories when he fell down suddenly. This was the most positive thing that could have happened. Secondly and also the worst possibility, Lime had gone insane, one hundred percent off the wall crazy. She was hoping it was the first.

Limes mother didnt need to worry about this though. The reason for this is very simple. One cannot 'become' crazy if they always were crazy.

Finally Lime calmed down and started to think straight (is that possible?). He asked his mother were they were.

"Umm litt... I mean mom where are we exactly, I seem to have forgotten everything. I guess it's something like amnesia."

Lime felt like a complete idiot after saying this. Amnesia? how cliche could this get? He felt like a total retard. His mother though was very kind and (unwisely) didnt question it. All she did was say.

"Honey we are in the immortal world, more specifically we are on the human continent."

Lime was amazed by this 'immortal world' that sounded amazing. He had heard some kids talking about such fantastic things before he died and was living at the zoo. Now though he was living in the world of cultivation!

Right when these thoughts were going through Limes head he heard a dinging sound from somewhere.


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