System Downloaded

Lime didn't know what was going on in his head. He heard the strange noise and started to scream.

"Ahhh I see it, I don't know what it is. What is it precious? Golem??"

Lime's mother didn't know how to react to the way Lime was acting. She only sighed at the fact that such a sweet, loving, kind boy had to go crazy. Then again, he wasn't so sweet. She had found his "study" material under his bed and it was.... Well, she didn't need to or want to talk about it. But that doesn't matter, he was still such a kind boy. She started to talk to Lime saying.

"Lime don't worry its ok let's go back home, you probably just need to sleep it off. You should be fine in the morning, if not then...."

She trailed off after saying this and Lime couldn't understand what she was saying. She had a face of unprecedented remorse, when she said that last line. Lime couldn't help but feel his back go cold when he saw her.

Lime quickly put on a straight face when he saw how his mother was acting. He replied in an abrupt manner saying.

"Mom I am only joking, I feel fine. We should go home though, you never know what can happen out here."

Limes mother had a stiff face when he said this. She retorted with.

"Lime we are right outside the house, turn around and you'll see it directly behind you."

Lime felt a wave of shame and stupidity wash over him when his mother said this.

He cheered up quickly though with a sound that rang in his ears. Well, cheered up isn't the only thing he felt. He felt confused, weirded out, and also scared. What is a "System"? He had no clue what it was, 'oh the curse of not having internet connection at the zoo.'


"GG System fully downloaded, commencing installation."

The installation happened extremely fast. It was not at all similar to a regular computer. That takes ages to install a small file.


GG System installed, please open user interface.

Lime's skin was crawling with anticipation on what was about to happen. He almost yelled out, but he quickly held himself back whispering.

"Interface open"

When Lime said this, his mother's eyes started to twinkle, he didn't think that she had heard but she had. She wasn't going to say anything about what he had said though.

What opened up after he said this was a semi opaque screen that floated in front of his eyes. The words written on it were.

GG System (Gifted by the God of Gators aka GatorWine)

Race: ???

Evaluation: Beginner

Realm: Mortal

Combat Power: Above Average

Combat Awareness: Idiot

Skill Sets: (Learned through continues practice or books.)

Gators bite Lv0

Gators skin Lv0

Gators secret Lv2

Idiocy Lv0

??? Lv0

Blessings: (Blessings become void, if user is stronger than the one who gives blessing)

God of Gators Lv MAX

??? Lv Max

Lime was upset by how it said "Combat Awareness: Idiot". Lime yelled out.


He forgot that his mother was right here though. He really needed to stop yelling out every time he got upset. It was then he heard a ding, he couldn't help but think something good happened.

DING* "Idiocy Lv0 > Lv1"

His face grew dark after this. He wanted to start crying. His mother only heard him mumbling continuously as they walked back to the house.

"I am not an idiot, I am not an idiot, I am not an idiot.... am I an idiot?

DING Idiocy Lv1 > lv2...