
As he was reveling in his new found power, he heard the man's coarse voice snapping him out of his fascination."4 minutes remaining".

Lance put all other thoughts aside and started to think about the predicament he was in. Although the allure of exploring the new found power called to him incessantly, he realized that if didn't solve this problem, he could very well die.

He first tried the most primitive method available: punching the wall. He moved a little away from the wall and as he began with a running start, he felt his whole body responding to his wish to destroy all in his path. The feeling of being in control of every cell in his body and aligning them all for one purpose was intoxicating. His muscles flexed, increasing to almost double their size. With loud thuds, he ran to the wall opposite to where the man was seated and punched with all his fault.


Before he could see the result, he found himself on the ground with a splitting headache. The room reverberated like a bell, and the ringing grew louder and louder in his ears. As he screamed with pain, he felt his ears bleeding.

What was puzzling was that the man still sat there, oblivious to whatever was happening in the room. Lance was at his wit's end. Controlling dimensions? What does that even mean? He could create anything? Lance had the instinctive feeling that brute force was not the answer. All the solutions he could think of only used brute force.

In the limited time he had, Lance tried everything he could think of. At one point, he even thought of summoning a tank, but felt it was useless. The man's voice rung out every 30 seconds. As he heard the voice saying "One minute remaining", Lance lied down on the floor.

The floor was cold to the touch and somehow felt oddly comfortable. In this possibly last minute of his life, he found that being lazy one last time was a fitting use of his time. As he reminisced about his life so far and wondered what he excelled at, he found out that it was this: being lazy. Being in a state where your body wants to get whatever needs to be done with the lowest energy possible.

Lance found himself slipping into his self dubbed "laze state". His thoughts slowed down on a macro level, but the truth was, his thoughts had sped up by thousands of times in a micro level. Many many micro thoughts flashed through his mind, but in his laze state, Lance only recognized them on a higher level.

Almost being half asleep, Lance closed his eyes with a small smile creeping onto his face. This was the infamous laze state of Lance. In school, he was known for slipping into this slight sleep like state with that creepy smile and being hit by chalks thrown by teachers. His personal record was taking 7 chalks to the head before waking up(the teacher in question was also curious). His parents had on numerous occasions been terrified walking into a room with Lance in this state.

The man had an eye on his pocket watch and the other on Lance. As he saw him slipping into what seemed like sleep, he felt highly bewildered. For all the participants knew, these were the last few seconds of their lives. He had seen people lash out violently against the test takers, cry uncontrollably or even beg the test taker to save their lives. But going to sleep in the last seconds of their lives? This was very very rare.

As the seconds ticked away on the clock, the man sighed again. When the last second ticked on the clock, the space they were in weirdly warped, almost like the image on a TV screen warps when you change the channel.

As the man got up from his seated position, he dusted off his clothes and prepared to take his powers back from Lance.

"Whe-where am I?" This voice was, to this day, the thing that scared the man the most in his thousands of years of lifespan. To this day, he remembers how he was startled out of his skin and had to clutch his heart to keep it from beating out of his chest.