
"Whe-where am I?" This voice was, to this day, the thing that scared the man the most in his thousands of years of lifespan. To this day, he remembers how he was startled out of his skin and had to clutch his heart to keep it from beating out of his chest.

As Lance slowly came back to consciousness, he was shocked to see that he was in a different place yet again. Although this was the second time in a few hours that this happened, the effect this time was far greater. This was mainly because of the fact that as he looked out of a transparent dome that encompassed the room he was in, he saw a starry expanse, stretching out to infinity.

The room he was in had a fresh and modern look. If seen from outside, it was like a large snowball with a single entrance and exit. The dome stood a hundred feet high, and as Lance gazed at the starry sky, he saw a blue ball, so giant that it slowly encompassed the whole of his vision through the dome. The ball had swirling masses of white and in the spots where these masses weren't there, one could see brown and green landscapes. The blue that dominated this giant looked magnificent, giving one the sense that it was endless and could swallow up the landmasses in the blink of an eye if so it wished.

"Yes, that's the earth.", said the man as he overcame his shock and came to stand beside him. As Lance was still staring slack jawed at the magnificent sight in front of him, the man was staring at him with a look of incredulity. It had been centuries since he had even felt this feeling.

The room had glass like tiles which reflected everything perfectly. The only thing present in the huge room was a stone pedestral upon which rotated a ball the size of a man's head. The ball, seemingly also made of glass, had swirling bits of light inside it. As it rotated slowly in the air, it seemed to give off mysterious rays of light which were being absorbed by the floor and dome alike. The door, which was opposite to the ball on the other end of the room, was huge, standing at at least 15 feet tall and gilded with gold and diamonds.

"Congratulations on passing all conditions. Although your score right now is at the bottom of all the participants this time, it is no small feat to pass the test in the first place. Historically, the highest passing rate has only been 13%, with the rest dying due to running out of air."

Lance turned to look at the man, tearing his eyes away from the greatest sight he had ever seen in his life. He first sorted everything that had happened so far in his brain. He realized that something incredulous was happening, and for once in his life finally felt interested in something other than the unknown. As an avid UFO researcher and believer, it had always been his dream to be involved in something that spanned farther than the mundane world that he saw. The world as it was was good, but he could just never shake off the feeling that there was something more, something that he was missing and something that might define him if he found it.

As a calm look surfaced on his face, the man who had been looking at him all this time felt impressed and a small smile spread across his face. "Not bad.", he thought. "Maybe there is hope after all for my line."

Lance finally asked,"What is going on? And have we met before? You look familiar." This familiarity was something that Lance had noticed the first time he saw the man, but in the heat of the moment he had to set it aside to handle more pressing matters.

"Welcome, my descendant, to Invincible Earth! From kin to kin, the sacred duty of protecting our homeland has been passed down for many millennia. Now it is your turn to take up this mantle. What shall you become? Shall you become a Godking who can control the very fabric of the universe and hold all in your grasp? Or shall you perish as fodder, forgotten in the eddies of time? Only time and your efforts shall tell."

Yet again, the only thing Lance could do was stare at the man in incredulity, as he uttered these unforgettable words that seemed as if they echoed through history countless times, finally crashing down like a crescendo unto him. The image of the man, standing with chest bared out and arms spread out, pride radiating in waves and almost physically manifesting around him as flaming lions and dragons, was one that Lance would always remember in the toughest of times.

This image branded itself into his eyes, never to be forgotten.