Lance's IN(2)

"If I am not wrong, you have the rarest Intrinsic Nature in all of humanity:The Wish."

Lance heard the words, but he decided to wait for the Castellan's explanation before jumping to conclusion. The "rarest" part had already caused his heartbeat to rise. He was finally going to find his IN!

"This IN is both a boon and a bane. In all of my time, I have seen countless initiates. Only 972 of them had an IN in this category. Of those 972, only 3 are alive today. All 3 of them have reached the highest level known to us. They stroll between galaxies to meet their friends and have lunch. Entire star systems with multiple planets like the Earth are under their governance. With a flick of their finger, a star can be extinguished."

Lance's eyes opened wider and wider hearing the explanation.

"Don't get excited yet. The rest perished even before reaching legend. I have been alive for hundreds of thousands of years. Every year, there are batches of thousands of initiates. You can imagine how rare the IN is in the first place. Then, multiply that rarity by the probability of dying and being forgotten with time."

Lance tried to mentally calculate an approximate figure but his mind hurt.

"The chance is infinitesimal. This is why it is called a bane. With any moderately talented initiate with an average or above average IN, the chance of reaching Legend with hard work is 0.0001%. That is why legends are said to be one in a million. As for you, no matter how much work you put in, the odds are against you."

"What is my power? Why is it so hard to reach Legend with it?". Lance couldn't help but interject. His excitement was being squashed under the Castellan's foot and he was feeling desperate. On the other hand, his determination only rose. 3 people had done it. So would he. No matter what it took, he said to himself.

Unknowing to Lance himself, the mission had changed his mindset. The men and women willing to sacrifice themselves had awakened in him the spirit to protect. And the spirit to grow strong enough to be able to do so. What had once been a directionless goal was now becoming forged in the fires of tenacity.

"Pardon me for getting ahead of myself. Allow me to first give you an idea of what the IN actually is.", said the Castellan. He didn't seem to be displeased due to Lance's rudeness.

Lance nodded and sat back. He had leaned forward before desperate for the answer.

"This is my favorite phrase which explains INs the best: Intrinsic Natures dictate the aspect of nature that one is most connected to. Your friend Darius is connected to the aspect of the Earth. Your friend Entsy is connected to the aspect of "Storing, amplifying and releasing vibrational energy into kinetic energy." A lengthy aspect, I know, but INs are seldom simple. Your other two friends Yu Yan and Yu Ying are connected to the aspect of "Electrical field manipulation". I believe you must be seeing a pattern.

Each and every aspect is a part or sum of parts of a concept which drives the universe. The goal of cultivation is to reach a state where your connection with the aspect or the concept qualifies you to use as much of the natural energy in the universe as you want. Theoretically, you could become one with a concept and live for eternity along with it. The air that you breath in might contain an infinitesimal part of a being who had enough of a connection with the concept of air to assimilate themselves into it. They would exist as long as air did anywhere in the universe. At the same time, they could choose to take the form of a human and do whatever they want, as almost an infinite amount of natural energy is at their beck and call.

An intrinsic connection with an aspect lays the path towards this state.

Now, coming to your nature. The "Wish" nature means that provided you grant the energy, anything you wish for will happen."

Lance was puzzled again. With major effort, he had somehow managed to wrap his head around the goal of cultivation as stated by the Castellan. He had even dreamt briefly of being immortal and living as many lives as he could:one of a businessman, one of a mafia leader, one of a elite sportsman, etc. etc.

But the last part just threw him askew again. Anything he wished for would happen? What the heck?