Lance's IN(3)

Seeing the puzzled look in Lance's face, the Castellan sighed.

"I know. It is as puzzling to you as it is to us. The typical method of explaining INs just doesn't apply to you wishers. You slowed the bullet down either using the aspect of closed area time deceleration or closed area barrier formation. That is impossible to do without proper training. But, the golden ball in your dantian enables it. Give it energy, and it will do anything you want it to. Be warned though. From studies, it has been shown that the ball always requires much more energy than you have, for some reason. This is actually the good news.

The bad news is that you have no strong connection with any aspect or any concept. You are equally connected to all of them. The ball is the mechanism that you use to forcefully control an aspect, but the outcome is almost always disastrous.

How much ever we study, we have no idea what the ball is. Even if a wisher figured it out, they have not shared that information.

It will require an enormous amount of dedication and luck to build a strong connection with any aspect. But, the only way to build that connection is by constantly testing your connection. But when you test it, the ball activates and an enormous amount of energy is sapped causing your body and mind damage. You see this cycle? This is why it is so hard to proceed in cultivation to become a legend.

I can summarize it like this:

Unlike others whose INs pave the path for them to connect with an aspect or concept, your IN has given you all of the paths but paved none of them. You will have to pave it yourself.

In times of desperate need, you can activate any IN's aspect but it will cause enormous harm to you.

This is your case. You have infinite potential, but only an infinitesimal chance to reach that potential. The strongest being we know of can reach assimilation by full connection with only one concept. A being who can do so with multiple will be the most powerful being in the known universe, at least to us."

Lance felt his head reeling. This was just too much information to take in at once.

"What happened in the test then? What energy did the ball absorb?", asked Lance.

"Your fat and half of your muscle. Along with most of your energy construct. You almost dropped down in level. The instant absorption is like an explosion under your skin. You almost died from it."

Lance shivered remembering what had happened. He had really had too close of a brush with death.

For 5 minutes, all Lance could do was sit and think. He tried to absorb all of the information he had been presented with. He first discarded the negative parts and focused on the positive one:he had infinite potential.

So what if it required a little work and pain? Nothing could be obtained in the world without effort, he thought.

A "little". Lance didn't know just how wrong he was by using this word to describe it.