Time-Manipulated Chamber

The Castellan stood up and flicked his fingers. To Lance, it felt like there was a huge flash of light.

After the light died down, Lance found himself in an old-fashioned wooden dojo. It was the kind one would find in classic martial arts movies.

It was a 100 feet square room with wooden pillars in intervals near the edges. In the center was a large matted area which was currently empty.

With a 'pop' sound, a training uniform came into being in front of him. He turned around to see his master standing behind him in a white martial arts karate uniform. In the center was the iconic IE symbol, with the golden especially standing out coiling the earth and shining with resplendence.

His was blue with the same symbol. He hurries to put it on over his casual clothes. After wearing them, they were a little loose but automatically tightened up to fit his body perfectly.

"This is a special training suit. It can repair itself no matter how much damage is taken at your level. It has special pouches with precious medicine which can act at a moment's notice to save your life. It can also heal you of any injuries that you sustain during the training. Most importantly, it will keep your body clean and odorless.", said the Castellan.

Looking at one edge of the dojo, he thought for a bit and flicked his fingers. Instantly, a wooden wall appeared in that edge with a door in the center.

"There, you will find your bed, bathroom and dining area. Food will be present everyday at certain times. Eat within that time, or it will be gone."

Flicking fingers to make rooms appear. This was practically an act of god. To make a bathroom, a dining area and a bedroom! It required precise knowledge of plumbing, materials and a host of other things. As Lance was racking his head for ways in which such a godly act could be performed, the Castellan said:

"My disciple, you should really stop trying to figure out each and everything that you see. I merely transported a typical living area from one of our warehouses to here. This isin't the only time acceleration chamber that is in existence, you know. Each and every one have specific add-ons which are manufactured and stored."

Lance felt a bit foolish as he stopped his line of thoughts. True, he needed to focus on the things at hand. Learning plumbing to conjure up rooms could be left for later.

"Now, coming to the matter at hand, there is no exit for this chamber. There will be no exit for you until you master your cover IN. I will be teaching you for 16 hours each day. The rest is for meditation and other activities. This room exists in a field which enables the time inside to slow down for us. As you are an initiate and it is only my clone here with a fraction of my power, the time can be stabilized to a period of 1000:1. Meaning, a 1000 days here means that a day will pass in the outside room."

Lance was amazed by the practical uses of this time manipulation. "Why don't people train all the time here then? Wouldn't initiates be able to develop faster?", he asked. He wondered why the whole initiate training area wasn't one big time-manipulated area.

"Resources, mainly. Each room requires a Legend-ranked personage skilled in the concept of time to personally sit down and actively manipulate the time. Right now, your own ancestor Attok is outside manipulating the time in this room. With his limited skill though, he can't hold it for more than 2 days. That should be enough. For another, just because you spend years here doesn't mean you age only a day. Your body and mind will age in sync with the time they are experiencing. Thus, if you spend a whole day outside here, you will come out 3 years older."

Lance nodded. He decided to train and get out of here as fast as possible.

The image of him walking out as an old man came into his mind. Fear of this was definitely not the reason he wanted to train fast, he thought to himself.