The Path to Learning an Intrinsic Nature

The Castellan clapped his hands loudly bringing Lance back from his musings.

"To be able to learn an Intrinsic Nature and use it as your own, you must first learn what it is. Instead of giving you details of the scientific and empirical evidence that we have collected over the years, I'll just tell you what you need to know to learn your cover IN.

An Intrinsic Nature is a connection. Many people even call it an "Instinctual" nature. Thus, the key to learning an Intrinsic Nature is figuring out how to make a connection instinctual. Imagine two cases:one, humans exclaiming in the language of their birth when a sudden pain is felt. Two, a human waking up in the morning and walking to the bathroom even if he/she is half asleep. What is the difference between the two?", he asked.

Lance thought for a bit before answering. "One can be called instinctual whereas the other is more habitual. It became instinctual due to doing it over and over again."

"Exactly. The IN of an initiate is the initiates method to modify the energy they absorb and release it. This comes about by developments from birth. The same can be emulated by making a particular method of energy manipulation habitual. That is, by doing it over and over again.

Your task is this: for a particular time everyday, this room will become a testing area. You will be subject to sudden situations where you will have to use your cover IN. I will be judging the time that you will take to activate the IN each time. You will only be considered to have passed if the time taken is one that a typical initiate takes when they are subjected to the same situation."

After saying so, the Castellan flicked his finger again.

A flying boxing glove materialized a foot away from Lance. In a second, it would hit dead center in his stomach. Lance hurriedly raised his hand up, intending to punch the glove. At that second, the only think he could think of was that he needed to be fast enough to punch the glove before it hit him.

The golden light in his dantian glowed faintly in response. But, before it could glow brighter, he found himself on the floor, wincing.

"That's just a small taste of the testing. As a wisher, this is also designed to shorten the time taken to activate your wish-root. That is the unofficial term used to describe the ball present in every wishers stomach. It is the root from which all of your wishes are granted. It basically works like this:the more of a connection you have with a certain wish you are making, the lesser energy will be required. Although there will still be a disparity with those who are born with that IN, the difference at least won't be as large. Understood?"

Lance stood up with a glow in his eyes. He finally found the ray of sunshine! He just needed to build a connection and he could be as powerful as any other initiate(mostly). "How hard could it be?", he thought.

This was the sentence Lance would remember each time and curse when he was rolling on the floor with the wind knocked out of him.