Lance's Hesitation

While waiting, Lance noticed that the light inside the transparent boxes frequently came on and off.

At one flash, Lance thought he saw something which brought fear gushing from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that the remaining Reptilian might enter at any second, but he just couldn't get rid of the fear that came from thinking that what he saw was true.

Step by step, he walked to the box on the left and placed his hand on it, lighting it up.

In the 7th row to the back were 2 bodies that were very familiar.

It was his mother and father.

Lance rubbed his eyes to make sure that what he was seeing was true.

There they were, suspended vertically, pressing onto each other and faces set in a neutral expression.

There was no denying it. Lance walked towards them, still not able to believe what he was seeing.

Suddenly, the door behind him opened.

Seeing that he was closest to the blind spot he had hid the other reptilian, he immediately boosted himself to that position silently by activating the thrusters.

Thankfully, the reptilian seemed to be speaking to the one in the cabin before turning around to enter the cargo area. Thus, it had not glimpsed Lance.

"Hcvnwonfe?", it said, in a questioning tone, walking in to look for the one who had come in before.

The spot they were in was right behind one of the boxes. The bodies were so thickly stacked together that they weren't visible even if the light flashed on.

Just as the reptilian passed the edge of the box, Lance thrusted forward only his arms to hit the Reptilian in the back of its neck. This was supposed to be their weak point.

Sure enough, the scales were less dense at this location. The Reptilian couldn't even process what was happening before going unconscious. Slowly setting him done, Lance wiped his forehead forgetting that he was wearing a helmet.

It was because he had almost jeopardized the whole mission and his life. If the Reptilian hadn't been facing the other direction, it would definitely have seen him and alerted the pilot which would activate the alarm, resulting in self-destruction.

That single moment of hesitation when he had taken the decision to reaffirm what he had seen could have cost everything.

Luck seemed to be on his side. Trying to compartmentalize his emotions and thoughts, Lance walked to the door of the cabin.

He just couldn't help but feel anger bubbling up from inside him.

They were his parents! Could they have been abducted and experimented on? Or could they have been tortured due to being associated with him?

Rage blinded him, making him activate his wishroot.

All of the energy that he had stored was quickly burnt. This energy had been stored as a backup in case of emergencies.

Due to his strong emotions, Lance couldn't even control his wishroot. It absorbed a layer of his muscles, making him feel fire all over his body before finally coming to a stop.

Although the intensity of the fire wasn't as high as it had been during the test, the pain still made him gnash his teeth and feel like he was being roasted.

This only served to exacerbate his condition.

He started running toward the cabin door with an expression of absolute fury, with the single will to break everything in his path.